Saved favourites

Please can any members tell me, how long items stay in your saved section?

So far on two occasions, all the items I have saved, have disappeared.

Then it becomes rather frustrating, adding them all again.

Thanks all

As long as I’m logged into my shopping account when I save items, mine have never vanished and have no timeout.

I think there was some sort of a glitch with a few accounts though and some people had their entire saved list deleted… don’t know if this has been fixed?


I had the same issue, have not saved anything of recent.
The issue was reported a while back I am assuming they are still working on it Why do my ❤️ Saved Items keep disappearing?

Thanks both. I think there still must be a glitch in the system.

So far my saved items have been deleted/vanished twice :confused:

I’ve had this happen to me as well (SO irritating!!!) but now I make sure I log in before adding anything to my Saved items and now they stay put!

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Everytime I leave the site it logs me out so I’d just make sure you’re logged in first before you add to your saved list.

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I find as long as I’m logged into my account they stay there. If I put stuff in my saved items and don’t log in (the system logs you out after so long if inactive) then they disappear