Sex during pregnancy

Hi. My wife during her first pregnancy was put off sex all together to the point where she was not even interested in masturbating. Whilst pregnant to our second child she was ultra horny to the point where we tried anal for the first time and predominantly did that during the pregnancy. Most of the vibrators she owns were bought during the second pregnancy. She is now more experimental post the second pregnancy. What has everyone elses experience been?


It has varied a little, but whenever the wife was pregnant the second trimester was usually when any sex would happen. She sometimes had bad heartburn so that put the kibosh on things too. 1st trimester was generally off limits and the 3rd maybe once or twice.

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We had some similar experiences, yes, though not quite so extreme in the dropped interest.

Our very first pregnancy she was very horny quite early, sort of insatiable both for sex and food at 4-5 weeks. But we ultimately lost that babe in a miscarriage at 9 weeks which was very hard.

Second pregnancy she had a less extreme response early and had a lot of fear/anxiety through the first trimester, and then loads of heartburn in the 3rd trimester. We never stopped having sex and remained quite regular, close to every day or every other, though everything was fairly vanilla between exhaustion and just adjusting to changing body. Our boy is now almost 7.

Third pregnancy was much more relaxed for her. Again she never expressed feeling crazy horny or hormones, but by the time we hit second trimester she was really feeling herself and we were back to daily sex at bedtime, and extended romps during weekend naptimes where we began to have quite regular anal sex and double-penetration with toys. In the third trimester, especially those last weeks, we kept with the daily sex, weekend romps, and frequent midnight wakeups for sex/orgasm to help fight her insomnia. By the time we hit 41 weeks people wanted to give the old wink and “you know sex induces labor” to which I wanted to respond I would have to take time off work to fit in any more sex! Our girl is almost 4.

I do miss the pregnant sex sometimes. I was very into her changing and growing body, it was very sexy to me. But we are all done - got the snip-snip two years ago - and definitely have no desire to start over again with any more kids. We have always had a very healthy sex life with frequent experimentation into new things, but I’m so very thankful for that time during the 2nd pregnancy that made anal/DP a more frequent part of our routine. Now we’re just exhausted from chasing both little goobers around all the time, but still make good time for each other!



I’ve never been pregnant, but these sexual happiness podcasts are a good listen :headphones:

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we had sex (more love making)during all 3 of our pregnancies no rampant sex just good slow love making right upto the end, we was told sperm was a great way to start labour. If you can it’s a great way of togetherness.