Sex swing - is it easy

Thinking of purchasing a sex swing, does anyone have any experience in their use ?

Are they easy ?

Do they make positions easier ?

Is it hard a work for partner/wife when sitting in it ? As in does it strain , uncomfortable or having to awkwardly hold position etc

Or does it make things easier / fun taking away gravity?


Hi I have never used one however if you do buy one make sure it is fixed securely ! :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ha :joy::star_struck: that is also a concern.

Bolting through a joist ! To be safe !


Excellent work !

How strange I was just thinking about this lol, not to get one just in general glad you made this thread as that gave me a good little read. Thanks :blush:

Sex swings are great, they make everything better. I’ve tried free standing and suspended from the ceiling. For the person in the swing they are so fun and relaxing (I’ve been almost f*cked to sleep on occasion). For the partner they open up a whole new world of possibilities.

So, yep they are real easy. Can’t recommend highly enough


Sold them to me @Melody1 :star_struck: that’s all I needed to know :grin:.

Was not sure if comfy and easy to relax in, did not know if they were awkward / straining etc.

Now to find the right one :point_up:

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I’d recommend using a spare beam/plank to brace that joist with its neighbours. You’ll be less likely to get any cracking plaster or damaged ceiling.

It’s what I did after researching adding a hardpoint


As in just screw across coupe of supporting beams / planks across the joists but still screw / fix swing hook :hook:into main joist ?

I guess the design and material impact on overall comfort but i just enjoy ‘hanging around’ in them, even just chillin and chatting. Feet up in the syrups feeds blood to the brain lol
Good luck!

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This would be so much easier if I could draw it…

n is nut (or whatever anchoring you use to hold the bolt, but a nut and bolt with a plate/large surface area washer is a good way to spread the pressure)

b is bolt
j is joist
s is your second beam/plank
c is your cieling

_________ n
s s s s s s s s s b s s s s s s s s
j j j_______ j b j._____.j j j
j j j_______j b j______j j j
c c c c c c c c b c c c c c c c

This way the weight is spread more evenly through a number of joists (ideally you want to use solid beam of at least 4 inches to spread the weight)


You could always draw and post on Images to Share in Topics :slight_smile:


Surely they make things a little slow going ? I’ve never used one but would love to give it a try.

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I lived in an apartment so brought a swing with a frame. Was pretty expensive but good quality and no diy required. One of those super horney purchases that seem good at the time. We tried it twice and my wife didn’t get comfortable in it. It’s been in the garage since with some of my other impulse purchases. I’ve moved twice since, always get questioned by the removals guys what it is. First time was awkward as was on the spot. Now i say it is a home gym which is technically true… going to move again soon…


Wow :star_struck: thanks @Lexifer :sunglasses:.

Creativity at its best in that post , love it and makes perfect sense :+1:.

Looked at a couple of swings on the LH site , they look good…. But some of the hanging chain looks like it would snap in seconds! But reviews look good so must be fine. :chains:

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It would also be sensible to use a large spring between the swing and the bolt to act as a bit of a shock absorber to help avoid sock loadings to the joists during activities . It would also help to add a vertical brace from the joist to the roof truss to stop any flexing of the joist that could crack the ceiling plaster.

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You should be putting it on eBay, might meet another type of swinger that way :grin:

Never used one either but I’ve heard they’re really fun

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Thanks @AJSTAR if we are successful in installation and purchase will post updates on the testing :star_struck:

I love the thought of a sex swing but with kids in the house it isn’t really practical and with my wife’s sex drive it definitely wouldn’t get much use to warrant the cost! Would be amazing to find a B&B with one in the room to use!