Sex Toy Storage!

Hey guys! My husband and I have a growing sex toy collection. We currently store them in a set of three baskets by the bed but when it comes to finding something to play with it’s a pain and we don’t bother. We’re thinking of buying a large cabinet with shelves to make it easier when we want to play! What does everyone store their toys in that is discreet?

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My friend and I were just discussing this funny enough. They’ve just purchased a large travel case to slide under the bed that has lots of little pockets and layers to it to slot toys into.

I current store them mostly in a wardrobe in their original boxes so I can stack and keep them separate.

In our group chat others recommended drawstring bags and one of those walls of hooks you get for shoes. People use them for wig display too but you can just hang them on the inside of a door and it’d be fine.

Amazon and store like AliExpress and wish have a lot of storage solutions you can look through for wardrobe organisation that might spark some ideas too!


We’ve got a double drawer divan, 4 draws, each draw is full our toys and clothes collection, I fitted magnet controlled safety latches so they can’t be opened by prying and inquisitive little people.

Others are available!!:grin::grin::grin:


Bottom drawer of a 3 drawer bedside cabinet with dividers for toy types.

Makeup bag by the bed for commonly used vibrators and plugs.

Wardrobe space for larger sit-on toys.


Thank you everyone! I will definitely look into all you have recommended! I’m thinking a chest of drawers or a cabinet with shelves for organisation. Those magnetic locks are a fab idea even though it’s not the kids I’m worried about, it’s my nosey mother in law who thinks it’s okay to nosey around our bedroom when she pops in, she’ll be in for a shock one of these days :rofl::rofl:


Nightmare!!:open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth: I like them as you can’t see anything from the outside so it doesn’t look like your hiding anything! :smirk::smirk::smirk:

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I will definitely look at them, like that they are discreet :shushing_face::blush:

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Totally unacceptable. :rage: She needs s firm talking to. You’re adults and your bedroom is a PRIVATE space. End of.


This is what we use !

Hi @LisaLips , great storage solution, I have seen a few pics of people using these in the toy box and they look a great idea… however, you might want to change it so you provide a link instead of a photo. Photos of anything not taken directly from the Lovehoney site are not allowed on the forum anywhere except the photo categories where they can be vetted first. Links to non-competitor sites are fine :+1:

@SexyS87 I am following with interest… storage has definitely become an issue! :see_no_evil:

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There are some good ideas in this recent topic. :+1:


Sorry, didn’t realise. Just got a generic pic of what we use.


Spare key has been taking off her! She was a nightmare when we she was ‘helping us move’ She will be the shocked one if she opened our toy boxes :rofl::rofl:

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Some great ideas everyone ! Lets see , some in gun safe , some in top dresser along with second and third drawers . Some under the bed . When we watch home shows where the people want walk in closets , now I can see they would be great for having toys stored . If we could buy all the toys we wanted , the storage building would look like an amazon fulfillment center .