Sex Toy Tester - Chit-Chat

Just a note to secret testers who received review links before their product arrived, I’ve just sent them now so they’re with you as I’m going to be on annual leave, I don’t expect the reviews today haha :laughing:


Have a well deserved break @Lovehoney_Brenna!

Randomly - does anyone else do a little happy dance when a nice email from Brenna pops up in your inbox? Instant mood booster :rofl:


Happy Holidays @Lovehoney_Brenna and all our happy dancing secret squirrels


New Lovehoney YouTube video “How To Be A Sex Toy Tester” :slightly_smiling_face:


I didn’t include that any of mine were testers. I asked earlier on when I started, and it seemed to be completely down to preference, so I opted to leave it out.

I think I gave quite balanced reviews though, and didn’t bumlick on the chance for more testers. :slightly_smiling_face: I think honesty is the most important bit, as I don’t want to feel like I’m selling the product, rather than just letting you know how I got on with it. I was also a bit hesitant to use terms like ‘I guarantee you’ll love it’ and ‘trust me, just buy it’ for similar reasons.


I’m never over generous. As you say that defeats the whole point.

But it’s human nature to sometimes be over critical and focus purely on negative aspects if it’s a purchase. You only have to read many product reviews to see that.

I just feel that as part of the ‘honesty is key’ side of things it’s better to be up front about it being a tester. Whether you absolutely love something or think it’s massively disappointing. I’ve left some extremely negative feedback on some of the secret testers we’ve had as I think that’s even more important given it may be something the business is looking to stock.

I do sometimes wonder if some applying to test products are doing so because its actually a product they’re interested in or if its just because its a freebie? How many times do you see ‘happy to try any’ on threads, even though the guidance explicitly says nor to do that?


Ive done this too. With both toys and lingure. If its something i know i wouldnt want to buy (or at least be open to the idea of trying) im never going to enjoy the reviewing process.
Whats the point of putting myself through the slog of reviewing a pin pint tappy toy (the shapes i never get on with) or trying lingere i know will never suit my shape.

I always worry when we get really big toys in the normal testers that someone isnt going to check the item page :woman_facepalming: clicking the buttons is so easy inevitably someone is just not going to look at the sizes and end up soghnig up for a 6” circumference dildo or a 8” plug or something


Nope! I spend considerable time trying to match products to people :slight_smile:


Many of us keep notes/files on our device/computer to hold the review blurb. Maybe try doing that too for safekeeping?

I like to organise mine as a note (in iPhone) for each, with an emoji in front of the titles so that similar items sort together;

:robot: toys
:bikini: lingerie (me)
:shorts: lingerie (him)
:lotion_bottle: lubes/balms
:jigsaw: other (condoms, nipples suckers, kegal balls)

And then I put a :white_check_mark: in front when they’re live on the site.


Buy more stuff :rofl:

If you can find the product page you can still leave reviews for discontinued items. It depends how long ago they were discontinued. If it was years ago pre site switch-over it’s unlikely you’ll find them, if it’s only recently discontinued @Ian_Chimp is quite good at ferreting out the relevant pages.

Seriously though you don’t have to be writing reviews for super expensive luxury toys. You can write an excellent review for things you might buy fairly regularly like lube too which will still show your writing style.


I hope everyone is posting honest reviews but I agree informative ones are much more helpful! I have to agree with @Green_Eyed_Girl though; for lingerie the information I find by far the most useful is when people state their measurements and general shape, what size they bought and how it fitted. Where it fitted well and where it didn’t.

  • Have you written around 10 decent product reviews that are live on the Lovehoney shopping site?
  • Have you applied for a tester by voting in the current Tester List poll, or by putting your name in for a Secret Tester topic? (both found in the #testers category)

If so, you have met the requirements. :partying_face:


Hey @Fire_Ice1, they wouldn’t be able to as they are secret/not live products and the forum is accessible to anyone! When you get a secret one, you have to respond to the email to confirm you won’t share on any social media before Brenna sends across the picture. If the picture was shared on the forum then it’s being exposed to hundreds of people or more, rather than the 1 or 2 that are selected. :blush: If people don’t think it’s for them after seeing the photo, they can change their mind and say it’s not for them :blush:


Dont worry. Im dyslexic (you may have noticed :joy: ) and it doesn’t matter :+1: i still get sent testers and the forum gang very kindly tolerate the fact i cant spell aukward to save my life


I always state my height and dress size and putting your inside leg measurement is a great shout. I do state where I wear them as I prefer high on the thigh and being tall and liking them high obviously has an impact on how they fit. I normally just state that I have thunder thighs in comparison to the rest of me and therefore tend to go plus size in hosiery which I don’t for anything else. An actual width measurement at the top point of stockings or where hold ups are held up is a great idea though which I intend to steal so I shall do that from now on. I think your review sounds like it will be spot on for what I look for in hosiery reviews :+1:.


I personally base all my purchases on reviews. I will always read at least 10 and I prefer ones with more detail


If it’s a product I’m interested in buying, I read all of all the reviews if less than 20ish reviews. If 100’s I tend to filter for things that mention “size” for lingerie or a particular aspect of a toy I want to know about. If I can find the helpful reviews I definitely read the entirety of them. I try to skip the ones that say nothing useful.


Nothing for me in the current secret testers thread, so I didn’t want to clutter it up with a pointless post…

But for the love of God, someone tell us what boob vibrators are! :smile: :rofl:

I have an image in my head, but it’s not particularly sexy for anyone involved.


:rofl: I had an interesting image in my head too! I did a bit of googling though and think I’ve found some possible candidates (which I can’t link to obviously), sadly the few that I think fit the description look rather too big for me.

I can’t wait to see what product Lovehoney has gone with though and will be interested to read the reviews.


Here’s everything you need to know. Welcome!