#sinfulsunday - twitter

Right folks, does anyone enter the weekly #sinfulsunday 'it's all about the picture' gig?

I do, I think it's fab, for those who don't know what it is, have a look at my below entry and then select the pink/black icon.


I was going to do that today.. hmm, theres still time.. Right

yeah still time, it's the whole of sunday

I'm still a little confused - what is it?

you either write a poem/erotic story, post a picture of you doing something naughty etc, then add it to mooldailykiss's sinfulsunday site and it gets tweeted. She holds comps for certain times of the year, too

Ahh I see. I'll have a proper look into this I think! Do I need to have a proper blog? Or will twitter be enough?

You'd need a blog, nothing fancy though

Hmm. I've been toying with the idea of a blog for a long time now. Do I or don't I? I'm not sure I have enough hours in the day to blog something and even if i did - who would read it?

there sre s fsir few out there, look at mine www.mrsjojo.blogspot.com although tumbler is good for a shorter version. look at my followers, theyy have blogs too