Sleep masturbation

Every night never cum but get great pleasure from playing and always being hard

I get very hard in my sleep too but haven’t had a wet dream for a couple of months
My girlfriend finds it quite entertaining

As far as I no Iv never actually masturbated in my sleep but iv regularly woken up with a edited wet pussy, yet I remember no dream and my blokes snoring fast asleep next to me! Sedited by mod when I’m fast asleep. He tells me the following day but I have no idea I was doing that, it was apparently quite regular thing for me to do!
If I new no better id say in the nicest possible way that maybe you are not satisfying her like you think you are or like she says you are, but i get satisfied and orgasm regularly, yet i do something very similar :thinking:.
I can guarantee its more common than you think its just no one talks about it! Either that or were both just sex crazed maniacs! :rofl:

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