So just had a solo session and it got me thinking do you lovely people strip off completely naked for a play or not
For me it’s normally a case of trousers and knickers pulled down a bit if it’s a daily solo session but sometimes when toys are involved it’s completely naked or in bath/shower
What to others do with regards to clothes for solo play
My first session I like to do in the morning when the kid’s are still in bed, so I’ll masturbate in bed, I’ve only just got a t-shirt on.
When I’ve got the place to myself I still like to masturbate on the bed, I’ll just take my bottom half off.
I also like to in the shower as well, most of the time hubby joins me too
Varies for me. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. sometimes like the element keeping my clothes on brings. Othertimes its too darn cold to do anything but be under the covers. PJ’s tend to come off though, unless it really is bitter out there.
I like to dress up for myself too. Something pretty, just to make myself feel special.
Back when I was allowed it was basically whatever I was wearing when the mood came to me with just enough removed to gain access or, if I happened to be in bed at the time then I would be naked.