Star Trek or Star Wars

Was definitely in the neither category, but @Blonde_Bunny is def winning me over… is the picture classed as ‘bribery’?? :joy::joy:


Both is good, but Mandalorian is reigniting the love of Star Wars after episodes 7-9 left a bad taste in my mouth.


Don’t care although Shatner is hot
My vote is for Star Bunny


I’ve started watching Space Force, not sure it’s to be included in this debate although I am finding it amusing


I’ve got one word to say ‘Mandelorian’ - Best TV in ages IMHO

Star Wars alllllll the way


Latest ep of The Mandalorian…wow!


Oooooh can’t wait :grin: we will be watching tomorrow xxx


No spoilers! :wink:


Do we find out who Luke’s father is? :rofl:


Does anyone find the pace of the Mandalorian slow?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying it, but I find ‘Mando’ just walking slowly (ambling) everywhere, seemingly in no rush, very annoying.

Shhhhhhhh, spoilers! :wink:

No! The latest ep was only just over 30 minutes and it was action all the way! Now Doscovery can be VERY slow!

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Ah, hopefully that means that it gets better as it goes on. Have only seen season 1 & the 1st ep of Season 2 so far. Waiting for more to be available before paying Disney more money.


I like both but Star Trek is the better I think! Discovery is awesome but if they made a spin-off for 7 of 9 I’d be all over it! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I did like the ladies in the original series though :ok_hand:

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I love Star Trek!!! I wasn’t a fan of Discovery but I thought Picard was awesome :smile_cat:

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I actually thought that was a bit of a let down! I was so looking forward to it and was a little gutted! It was good don’t get me wrong but was just hoping for a little more :man_shrugging:t3:

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How is this in question? STAR WARS obviously :joy::joy::joy:

Star Wars is okay as far as it goes, but given the physical properties of our universe, Star Trek has more chance of actually happening (albeit a slim one, given our current global politics).

Star Wars originals always the best but the new Star Trek films are so much better than the Star Wars prequels and Disney Star Wars trilogy, and let’s not get on to Solo!! Only Rogue One is as good as any original Star Wars film.