Support from you all

@Gazza_64 and @AJSTAR shall we just all cwtch in together.

Im not poorly but -

I dont like being single.
I dont want to date.
I no longer love or am attracted to my ex. Just my ego stinging now.
I want to fast forward 6 months please :pray:


Big cwtches to you all and anyone else going through shit at the moment. Hopefully you will all come through the other side stronger and happier people. For any whose diagnosis is more terminal, a cwtch, a tea and a choccie biscuit. All the joyous, little things help to make life better, enjoy them.

@The_Little_Ladybird , I went with :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: as I don’t love it but figured it was the closest reaction to a :people_hugging:


@The_Little_Ladybird hun I’d love too, your sex life is a lot more active than mine hun I am no use to anyone at the not too sure it still works my Mrs thinks it’s fallen off :sob: but I am there if you need support and a supportive shoulder as long as it’s on the right hand side :kissing_heart: if you need a big brother to talk too, as for @AJSTAR I am sure I support him through these testing times and make some home comfort food to help him through :muscle: thanks for the invite hun hope you are getting through it best way you can :hugs:

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Sending big hugs to everyone going through shit at the moment be it health problems, emotional issues, or relationship breakups. lets all stick together, support each other and be around to talk. Love and support to all.


Sounds like your in need of a big hug too :hugs:

Bless you sounds like your in a right conundrum there… I tend to fear about if things are still the same 6 months ahead :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Yes please I’d like that loads :face_holding_back_tears:

@AJSTAR I was having a low moment.

I am having a good evening, actually chatting to a local guy online who is going through something similar. Flattering my ego, telling me Im hot (apparently) its nothing, but it is nice!

(Must add the good evening and feeling peaceful isnt related to the online chatting).


Thanks @steve19, I’ve got my first Counselling appointment Tomorrow.


Good luck @Knight1119, and be honest with them. You’ll get the most out of it that way xxx

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@The_Little_Ladybird good you’re ego needs massaging hun but go slowly hun ! And you know you are hot we have seen your gorgeous photos :kissing_heart: glad you had a good day :hugs:


Thanks @KinkyMira xxx

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It went ok @KinkyMira xx


Glad to hear it @Knight1119 xx

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That’s really good to hear and even just by having someone to talk to and relate is a nice way to comfort. Fingers crossed it continues :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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@AJSTAR you know what they say caring is sharing stay safe stay strong :+1: take it a day at a time bud

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Very true :relieved: hope your keeping safe and well too :hugs:

@AJSTAR thanks a couple of set backs but in the main I am doing ok as I hope :crossed_fingers: you are to ?


Well you all know there is care and support in abundance here for anyone who needs it.


Set backs are always to be expected on any journey we take, I’m glad it’s snorting out for you now though.

I’ve pretty much recovered from the flu and starting to get back on track with life. I refreshed my dating profile this week and got plenty of reactions from it but expecting majority will vanish by next week as they do lol :roll_eyes::sweat_smile:
Depression wise I’m fairly balanced again which I reckon being focus on sleeping and recovering from illness has help that mostly.