Tattoo and time taken to do them

Just the one at the moment. 2 and a half hours on my thigh.

Found that my legs twitch when it gets near my bum

My latest on my thigh is half done and took 3 hours, with the same amount still to go... I absolutely love the feeling of it being done and can't wait to be back, just need to get the money together.

Next one, I want between my shoulder blades but as I live alone I don't know how I'd put the healing gel stuff on cos I wouldn't be able to reach haha!

I had my first one done at the end of October it's only about 4 inches by 2 inches on the inside of my hip it took about 1 1/2 hour and didn't hurt at all

have loads and depends on size and colour etc

I have had 3 done. the longest was 3 hours, had some colour in it,

it only got painful when it hit the bone... but found the rest quite hypnotic and pleasurable.

want a fourth but dont know what yet....... any suggestions???????????

back was worse 4 hrs have 12 now

Underside of wrist was worst. Thought inner bicep would be but it was probably most comfortable and that was 4hrs straight with 2hrs left to go. Saying that though there was no outline.

Can anyone see what it's gonna be? Still 2hrs or so to finish!

3&1/2 hours koi carp on ribs and just had a geisha girl on other side of ribs another 3 hours ouch!

I've always wanted one but waahh?? just for a tatt and you have to stay 6 hours? that's without the skipping because its painful right?

No they don't all take 6hrs. Depends what you want, how big and how intricate. You can have a Tatt that takes 15mins or one that takes multiple sessions.

Ive had three, 1 only took 15/20 mins as it was only small, but the other two (chinese dragons) took about an hour each



I have my to girls names on my back with angle wings around.
But above that is my x wif witch I want removed ASAP can ppl help the best way and cheapest it will be tattooed over as we'll

DOC1 wrote:

I have my to girls names on my back with angle wings around.
But above that is my x wif witch I want removed ASAP can ppl help the best way and cheapest it will be tattooed over as we'll

Lazer removal is the best, but it isnt cheap or quick. You can have it done every 6 weeks and then once its faded enough to tattoo over you need to wait 6 months between the last lazer session and the tattooing. And remember, a good tattoo aint cheap and a cheap tattoo aint good.

Well said himeruseros. Sometimes you can get a cover over tattoo do depending on how big the ex wife's name is but this would have to be a large one. Laser can be quite expensive and there is no set time for how many sessions.

Plus with a cover up without laser, depending on the colour of the ink the ex's name is and the location, it is likely to be difficult to cover. And this is why is my personal opinion getting someones name tattooed is a bad idea.

Kids yes wife no no

Im going to get booked in for my first tattoo... And a few people have tried to explain to me what the pain is like but it till hasn't stopped me from being worried that I won't be able to handle the pain. A lot of people have said that it doesn't hurt and to be fair I have been through child birth... But I'm scared!!

i have 7 most were 30-45 mins as they are all small. my first one was a japanese symbol on my stomache and i actually fell asleep whilst i had it done.

The most painful was the celtic knot in the centre of my back in the middle basically right under my bra strap. kepp getting the itch to have another its been too long.

Lady g if you have a large Tatt and they keep working the same area then that gets quite raw and starts to sting but if you having say an hour it's generally not to bad. Nothing u can't handle;)