Tester List

Hey All,

Some :lh_heart_purple: Regular Testers up for grabs. :tada: Simply vote for an item to put yourself forward for consideration. Any questions or comments feel free to add them below.

:lh_heart_blue: If you accidentally put your name down or change your mind about something, press Show Vote to go back and change your choices or click Remove Vote to clear your selections.

:lh_heart_purple: Regular
:green_heart: One Month

Some points to remember:

  • Make sure you have live reviews - You will not be picked otherwise.
  • Make sure your address is up to date - We can only send to what you have listed in your account.
  • Ensure you can review the item in the time frame required - If you think it is not possible please do not put your name forward. Also please make sure you can test the item selected.

For more detailed info check out the The Great Big Review and Testing Guide


Hi, thanks for the opportunity. Would love to test any but in particular the harness or the thrusting prostate massager.

Thats the 2nd time I’ve seen a male torso come up ^^
Voted x

Oh that Torso looks amazing :heart_eyes: …. To be fair that’s top of the list but how to order the rest :joy: what a great list

Hey Brenna,
OH and I would like to test and review the Lovehoney Thermo Thrust Remote-Control Warming and Thrusting Prostate Massager or the Lovehoney Classic Wand Rechargeable Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator.
Thanks so much!

Voted :crossed_fingers::blush:

Voted! Prostate toy looks amazing.

1 Like

All voted. Fingers crossed for the wand. Been wanting to try a full suze rechargeable ine for ages now :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

My wand is slowly dying on me, so a new one to test would be amazing….plus I’m a power girl, so this is right up my street! :sweat_drops: :muscle:t3:

Venus Glow. Yes please!

Hi @Lovehoney_Brenna have voted. Would absolutely love to try the realistic torso with interchangeable dildo. Would be amazing.

Prostate toy plzzzzz :raising_hand_man:

Voted :purple_heart::crossed_fingers:t2:

I was just on to the missus about me trying a prostate massager and potentially getting a torso for her while im deployed haha, voted

Would love to test this out very intrigued by the thrusting and warming function sounds like a delightful feature for a prostate toy!

voted, some interesting things here been after a wand for a while, and a friend of mine recently asked if i would consider pegging him

Voted, hoping for the opportunity to review!

Voted :+1:t2:


Some awesome choices there. Tough to pick!

Thanks Brenna!

Good luck all!
