The Female Super Orgasm

Did anyone see the Channel 4 episode on females that are able to have super orgasms?

If so, what were your thoughts?

I thought it was very informative, be comfortable with yourself, know your body, love sexual activity and the sensations that your body gives you.

Very brave ladies to go public in order to further medical investigations and publicise that it is to be enjoyed and embraced.

Missed it tonight but going to watch on catch up tomorrow . Looks to be interested from the little bit of info that I've seen already .

What was the programme called? I would like to watch it and report back 😊

it was called The Super Orgasm![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

What time and channel was it on , will look it up on catchup .

This sounds right up my street!! I'll look out for it on Catch Up, thanks for letting us know!

Will be watching this later. I believe this was the show I was going to work with for Ch 4, but decided against. As I wasnt certain on the potential MRI scans and whatnot. Be interesting what entails!


Watched it but I didn't feel like I learned anything from it to be honest. I couldn't really see the point, if anything I think it would make women who have trouble reaching orgasm feel worse about themselves. I think any woman can be super orgasmic given the right circumstances. This programme leads you to believe it's just a select few that experience this but from discussions with girls that I know personally all but one of my friends are is super orgasmic.
How on earth she managed to orgasm in the MRI I will never know, I would be there all day even though I have multiples all of the time. (Not 70 though I hasten to add).

I'm kind of with lil_red_kinkyboots on this, I do think with the right circumstance and situation any woman can have a super orgasm. It's the having the perfect set of situations that's difficult. The right time, space place, mental state, emotional wellbeing, health, partner. . . . A whole lot of variables that all need to fall into place. Some of those things not come with time.

I also think it might make ladies who find it difficult to orgasm, more dispondent.

I watched it and too felt underwhelmed, glad I didnt participate in the programe now. I too didnt believe it when she achieved orgasm inside an MRI machine. Having been in one myself, the haunting sounds an MRI makes whilst scanning isnt and could never ever be arousing for me. The woman who claimed to climax 60+ times I thought was total BS, even the scientist thought she must have imagined some as she pressed the button far too many times. Also the woman talking about the Yoni staring I thought was totally irrelevant (why did we have to see that?) (why would a bunch of women staring at your vagina for 10 minutes be beneficial at all is beyond me) I agree as well, I felt the programe was somewhat downpegging the 'single orgasm women' and praising the super orgasmic a little. The whole thing was just weird.


Oh yes the yoni tantric thing completely weirded me out too haha

I bet you are glad you didn't do it squirty🐼 X

I watched it and thought it was total rubbish. Would you really orgasm contactly all night long while you sleep? I couldn't take it seriously.

And the group on woman sitting there looking at one another! I just didn't get it.

I turned it off half way through..

The only bit that made me laugh was as soon as the doc was out the room the lady on the bed was straight on it. Legs open, and rubbing away 😂😂😂

For those who missed it, u didn't miss much.

SquirtyPanda wrote:

I watched it and too felt underwhelmed, glad I didnt participate in the programe now. I too didnt believe it when she achieved orgasm inside an MRI machine. Having been in one myself, the haunting sounds an MRI makes whilst scanning isnt and could never ever be arousing for me. The woman who claimed to climax 60+ times I thought was total BS, even the scientist thought she must have imagined some as she pressed the button far too many times. Also the woman talking about the Yoni staring I thought was totally irrelevant (why did we have to see that?) (why would a bunch of women staring at your vagina for 10 minutes be beneficial at all is beyond me) I agree as well, I felt the programe was somewhat downpegging the 'single orgasm women' and praising the super orgasmic a little. The whole thing was just weird.


As someone who has also had an MRI I can't imagine how anyone would feel relaxed enough to masturbate in one ! The whole programme was a little disappointing really .

I watched for 10 minutes and ended up turning over 😕

I was going to watch this, but now that I've read everything here I think I'll give it a pass! It's taken me long enough to not be so focused on orgasming that I don't need something else to potentially pull me back there.

Its on 4seven at 11.55 tonight

There are people out there that aren't aware or in touch with themsleves, this could open up a new era sexual exploration for some by broadcasting it and making it public knowledge.

It may be basics for sonme but revolutionalry for others if they explore and find ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

Ryuudoragon wrote:

There are people out there that aren't aware or in touch with themsleves, this could open up a new era sexual exploration for some by broadcasting it and making it public knowledge.

It may be basics for sonme but revolutionalry for others if they explore and find

It could, that's true, but similarly it could make women who don't have loads of orgasms feel broken which isn't right. Personally not sure what I think about it :/ I honestly think that if it was aimed at education then it would be better presented.