The Great Pub Quiz Game Thread

My Answers to Hump Day Quiz:

💙 Geography
  1. From Sporcle countries map, Kosovo?
  2. :thinking: Assumed stone but as it’s a specific question, probably means sonething special so going to say Marble? If so, fancier than I realised, well done it!
  3. Petrograd
  4. Anglesea?
  5. The Autobahn
💗 Entertainment
  1. :woman_shrugging:t2: Adele?
  2. HAL
  3. Colin Firth
  4. He was Scaramanga… I think that’s The Man with the Golden Gun?
  5. I’m assuming Star Trek… Does the deep space reference mean Deep Space 9 specifically?
💛 History
  1. Franz Ferdinand
  2. Given name sounds Gernan I’m going to say probably not the Titanic but it’s the only ill fated craft that comes to mind :woman_shrugging:t2:
  3. Not a clue, going to say dating archaeological finds because I like the idea of an Egyptian Mummy dating site (Joke!)
  4. Coral Sea is South Pacific near Australia sooooo… Australia and Papua New Guinea? Seems unlikely though :thinking:
  5. Sounds Scandinavian… Norway?
💩 Art and Literature
  1. Pretty sure it’s not The Da Vinci Code but I’m struggling to think of what the others are called, not read either sets :woman_facepalming:t2:
  2. Moriarty. (Sherlock doesn’t die!)
  3. Total guess… 11?
  4. The Jabberwocky
  5. :woman_shrugging:t2: Blackpool?
💚 Science and Nature
  1. A Blog (á la Kinkymira blog)
  2. :joy: They’re the same!
  3. DDT
  4. :woman_shrugging:t2: Paddington?
  5. Daffodil?
🧡 Sprot and Leisure
  1. World Athletics Championships?
  2. I think 19 is impossible
  3. :woman_shrugging:t2:
  4. :woman_shrugging:t2: David Beckham?
  5. :green_circle::yellow_circle::large_blue_circle::red_circle:

Enjoyed these… multiple choice is growing on me too! Thank you @Ian_Chimp

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