The Great Pub Quiz Game Thread

I have added the answers to the quiz post :+1:

And the winner of this week’s Great Hump Day Quiz is… :drum::drum::drum:

@WillC :trophy::balloon:

Congratulations! :slightly_smiling_face:

And the only Great Hump Clean-Sweeper as well. :clap::bouquet:

@WillC :heartpulse:

The kid’s questions this week were:

:blue_heart:5 | :heartpulse:1 | :yellow_heart:3 | :poop:2 | :green_heart:4 | :orange_heart:4

It was a close call, and @SexInTheCity very nearly nicked it… But the King Edward Crown this week goes to… @Craig1234 :clap::potato::crown: