The Great Pub Quiz Game Thread

Arts & Literature :poop::cheese:

  1. Which national newspaper sponsors the Hay Literary Festival?

  2. What slang term for a man who likes looking at fat ladies was taken from an old twister?

  3. Who wrote The Good Companions and Angel Pavement?

  4. Which holiday company caused controversy with its Beaver Espana and Summer 69 advertisements?

  5. What creature is Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom, associated with?

  6. In which decade did Gustav Holst start to decompose?

  7. What was Erich Segal’s sequal to Love Story?

  8. Who wrote the book which became the movie The Grinch?

  9. What was Voltaire so intolerant about that he was imprisoned in the Bastille on two occasions?

  10. For whose wedding did Stan Kenton compose Homage to a Princess?
