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Where do the questions come from?
I found a mysterious old box of trivial pursuit, with even more trivial pursuits stuffed inside. It is a treasure trove of quiz questions, and all of them really old. Perfect fodder for a Hump Day special.
Definitely Nepal, I always think of it there… um, who’s the neighbour? China?
I think of Spain as Yellow and Red. We have Red so I’ll guess Yellow?
I should know this for sure, I’ve travelled on the Tube enough… I think green?
Sure I’ve heard this but the answer is not coming
💗 Entertainment
Brink? Dead? Grave?.. I’ll go for Brink
Perfect Peter?
Doctors (and I don’t know how I know that and am a little ashamed I do)
💛 History
Benjamin Franklin
Red? Where everyone was executed?
Martin Luther King
Liberal Democrats
💩 Art and Literature
They’re Dutch so The Netherlands
The Berliner - a giant sausage award?
💚 Science and Nature
Nicola Tesla
Oh God, I did a sprayer course not long ago and this was definitely mentioned… and now I can’t remember… the last bit is hazardous or harmful to health. Can’t remember the rest
February because the sea takes a while to catch up with the land?
Congratulations @Peitho! I am gobsmacked i got a clean sweep on sport, as most were guesses, and all i really know about George Foreman is he made grills!