The Great Pub Quiz Game Thread

Answers to Random Little Weekender
  1. Hmmm I’m gonna go yes
  2. I know they’re not horns… The first word that came to mind was ‘nodules’ - I know that’s not right but we’ll go with it :joy:
  3. Holmes (Sherlock Holmes and H.H. Holmes)
  4. 4?
  5. Chelsea and Tottenham Hotspurs
  6. Rose?
  7. Gosh, no idea, 3?
  8. Fred and George
  9. Cat
  10. eSwatini

Quite a few guesses in there :joy: Thank you @MsSubExperimenter!

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@SexInTheCity awesome job, 7 :+1:t2:

Massive thanks to @MsSubExperimenter for the weekend quicky
  • Yes

  • Ossicones

  • Holmes

  • Six

  • Man City & Barcelona

  • Rose

  • Five

  • Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee

  • Cat

  • Eswanti

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@FL45H 7.5! Woohoo! :tada: Gave half for the last answer as it’s really close!

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And the answers to the

Random Little Weekender

Are vampire crabs a real animal? Yes and they’re tiny!

What are the bumps on a giraffe’s head called? Ossicones

What surname is shared by a 19th century serial killer and a fictional detective? Holmes (Sherlock and HH)

How many US states contain the letter Y? 6 (Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Wyoming)

Name two of the football (soccer) clubs associated with the controversial European Super League announcements a few weeks ago? Man Utd, Man City, Tottenham, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, Inter Milan, AC Milan, Juventus, Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Barcelona

What flower/plant has a variety named after Queen Elizabeth the Second, cultivated in the 1950s? Rose

How many Marvel Avengers movies have there been? (Ones with Avengers in the title)? 4 (Assemble, Age of Ultron, Infinity War and Endgame)

What are the names of the Weasley twins in Harry Potter? Fred and George

What is a Devon Rex? A breed of cat

Swaziland’s name was officially changed to what in 2018? Eswatini

The winner is @WillC! Thank you everyone for taking part! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks! Also thank you to @MsSubExperimenter for taking the time to create a quiz. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congratulations @WillC :partying_face: Thanks @MsSubExperimenter for thinking up the quiz :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:


Congratulations @WillC ! :clap::clap::clap:

Very impressive, as normal my film knowledge screwed me up and I didn’t know the giraffe head bumps one but will try my very hardest to remember that they are called Ossicones from now on - I like that.



Congratulations @WillC :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks! :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

Me, too! You learn something new every day! :slight_smile:


@WillC @Peitho it fascinated me which I why I remember it haha!

I like okapi and their only living relative is the giraffe (love giraffes). Both genders of giraffe have ossicones but only male okapi do :blush:


I have been licked on the hand by a giraffe’s big blue tongue! Very strange sensation!

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It really is! I’ve had one pop it’s head into the car window when going round a safari park, was very surreal having a giraffe’s head inches in front of your face haha!

Amazing animals :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :giraffe:

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Yes, love animals! :slight_smile:

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The Great Hump Day Quiz! 🐪

Welcome to this Wednesday’s Great Hump Day Quiz!

We’re always trying to add more people to our quiz gang, so check out how to hide your answers, pop them in a post, and I’ll add you to the Scoreboard. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Where do the questions come from?

I found a mysterious old box of trivial pursuit, with even more trivial pursuits stuffed inside. It is a treasure trove of quiz questions, and all of them really old. :slightly_smiling_face: Perfect fodder for a Hump Day special. :+1:

Piecing together a few bits and bobs, there were three sets, and a couple of the instructions. One is a Genus Edition, dated 2001, and the other the 20th Anniversary one, 2004. There’s also another old style board and questions in there that looks/smells quite a bit older. That’s the box they’re all stuffed in, and that has ©1983 printed on it. No instructions, so not sure if that’s accurate. That one says it’s a Master Game Genus Edition.

(Edit: Now with an added sprinkling of more recent questions too :+1::slightly_smiling_face:)

So, there you go. It’s a bit random, but it should add to the fun. :slightly_smiling_face:


💙 Geography
  1. How many landlocked countries are there in South America?

  2. What US state has the longest border with Canada?

  3. Which French explorer claimed what is now known as Canada for France in 1534?

  4. Which ancient city’s El Azhar university is said to be the oldest in the world?

  5. Where will you find Wanlockhead, the highest village in Scotland - Lowther Hills, Cairngorms or Grampians?

  1. What fashion garment can be cropped, waterfall or oversized?

  2. What Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera was turned into a film by Norman Jewison?

  3. Which television series revolves around the lives of the Cohen, Cooper and Nichol families?

  4. Who was the first UK TV soap character with a transsexual partner?

  5. What type of “Thrills” does Sia love in her 2016 hit single featuring Sean Paul?

💛 History
  1. Which European capital city was known as Titograd between 1946 and 1992, before reverting to a name it first used in 1326?

  2. What botanical marvel did Nebuchadnezzar build?

  3. Before Google, what name did Larry Page and Sergey Brin give to their first attempt at a search engine?

  4. What F-word did Tony Blair have removed from the European constitution?

  5. Which English city was known in Anglo-Saxon as Monkchester?

💩 Art & Literature
  1. Which US man of letters has the phrase ‘I had a lover’s quarrel with the world’ engraved on his tombstone?

  2. How many people appear in da Vinci’s The Last Supper?

  3. Which Mexican painter was known mostly for her self-portraits, including Self-Potrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird?

  4. Which book opens: “At a certain village in La Mancha, which I shall not name…”?

  5. Which novel, first published in 1922, relates the events of a single day - 16 June - in the city of Dublin, in the life of Leopold Bloom?

💚 Science & Nature
  1. About how many silkworms does it take to make a kimono - 20, 200 or 2,000?

  2. What oil is obtained from flax?

  3. What is the name of the hard case that protects a butterfly while it matures into an adult?

  4. What do gasoline and napthenic and palmatic acids combine to form?

  5. What is the name of the larger of the two bones that make up the lower leg?

🧡 Sprot & Leisure
  1. Which football manager led Leicester City to its first Premier League title in 2015/16?

  2. What does S.L.R stand for among photographers?

  3. What two numbers sandwich the number two on a dartboard?

  4. What are you playing if you cross-wire your opponent’s balls?

  5. What’s the diameter of a basketball hoop?


Total :blue_heart: :heartpulse: :yellow_heart: :poop: :green_heart: :orange_heart:
@WillC 17½ 4 2 4 4 1
@FL45H 16 3 1 3 1 3 5
@Peitho 15½ 3 1 1 3 5
@SexInTheCity 15½ 4 2 1 3 2
@Ian_Chimp 15 2 3 2 4 3 1
@LuciousLegs 10½ 2 0 2
The Answers

| :blue_heart: Geography | :heartpulse: Entertainment
— | — | —

  1. Two - Bolivia and Paraguay | 1. Cardigan
  2. Alaska | 2. Jesus Christ Superstar
  3. Jacques Cartier | 3. The O.C.
  4. Cairo’s | 4. Roy Cropper
  5. Lowther Hills | 5. “Cheap”
    :yellow_heart: History |
    :poop: Arts & Literature |
  6. Podgorica (Montenegro) | 1. Robert Frost
  7. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon | 2. Thirteen
  8. BackRub | 3. Frida Kahlo
  9. Federal | 4. Don Quixote
  10. Newcastle-upon-Tyne | 5. Ulysses
    :green_heart: Science & Nature |
    :orange_heart: Sprot & Leisure |
  11. 2,000 | 1. Claudio Ranieri
  12. Linseed oil | 2. Single Lens Reflex
  13. Chrysalis | 3. Fifteen and seventeen
  14. Napalm | 4. Croquet
  15. Tibia | 5. Eighteen inches
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WillC Answers


1, 2?
2, Alaska?
3, No idea!
4, Egypt
5, No idea!


1, Coats?
2, Jesus Christ Superstar
3, The O.C.
4, Roy Cropper?
5, Cheap


1, No idea!
2, Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
3, No idea!
4, Freedom?
5, Newcastle i think?

Art and Literature

1, Mark Twain?
2, 13?
3, Frida Kahlo
4, Don Quixote
5, Ulysses

Science and Nature

1, 2,000?
2, Linseed oil
3, Chrysalis
4, Napalm?
5, Femur

Sprot And Leisure

1, No idea!
2, Single Lens Reflex!
3, No idea
4, Pocket Billiards?
5, 20 inches?

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My go… harder this week! History, not a clue :rofl:

💙 Geography
  1. I think only Paraguay and Bolivia so 2
  2. Alaska
  3. :woman_shrugging:t2: Can’t even think of a French explorer let alone specifically 16th century
  4. Ancient so probably Egypt, Italy or Greece… more Middle east sounding than Greek or Roman so maybe Cairo?
  5. :woman_shrugging:t2: Grampians?
💗 Entertainment
  1. Jacket - certainly cropped (big fan), and waterfall… guess you can have an oversized jacket too?
  2. :thinking: Jesus Christ Superstar?
  3. :woman_shrugging:t2:
  4. Neighbours is the only soap I ever watched and not UK so not the foggiest… Did Phil Mitchell have a transexual partner at some point? Probably not.
  5. Sexual?
💛 History
  1. Sounds Eastern European… let’s try Prague?
  2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
  3. Yahoo! ? Pretty sure that’s someone else though and overlapped with Google.
  4. The French! :rofl: No idea
  5. I feel a trap but don’t have a better answer so… Manchester
💩 Art and Literature
  1. Presumably poet rather than demon hunter? Robert Frost?
  2. 12 disciples plus Jesus so 13?
  3. I know the painting… also has a monkey and a black cat and she has a monobrow and a definite moustache… can’t remember her name though!
  4. Don Quixote
  5. :woman_shrugging:t2:
💚 Science and Nature
  1. Probably lots… 50:50 between higher two… 2 000?
  2. Linseed oil - I sprayed a small perimeter around two fields of it today along with five fields of Winter Barley and three of Timothy :+1:
  3. Chrysalis
  4. Napalm?
  5. Well it’s either tibia or fibula… let’s go tibia :crossed_fingers:
🧡 Sprot and Leisure
  1. :woman_shrugging:t2: Not a clue
  2. Single-lens reflex
  3. I should definitely know this, I had a dartboard growing up!!! Going to be biggish numbers, not 20 as that’s sandwiched by 1 and 5. Bit of a stab… 15 and 18?
  4. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Presumably something BDSM related… this maybe?
  5. American game so going to be whole number of inches… more than a foot… foot and a half :woman_shrugging:t2: 18 inches?

Thanks @Ian_Chimp :blush:

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