The Lounge

Best writing yet - loved this review!

Really informative, all details needed and thoroughly entertaining. I think it’s a tad big for me but I very much enjoyed reading of your exploits @Blonde_Bunny , thank you!


Ohhh thank you so much @Peitho, I love hearing what you think of my reviews! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I didn’t actually think this review was that good (I don’t think any of my reviews are actually that goood) but I really wanted to make sure I got every dirty devilish detail in I possibly could.

And yeah…. It’s a big BIG boy. It was almost too much for me… almost :smirk::face_exhaling: But genuinely it’s not as big as it appears in the photos, I think a lot of it is it’s appearance makes one instantly - and quite rousingly - terrified to take it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It was a lot of fun testing this one. So much fun I tested it again several times last night :rofl: I would say this is now up there in my too 3 dildos of all time. And that’s no small feat…


Thank you so much @Male53

@Blonde_Bunny that review was pure poetry. Fantastic.

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Why @Blonde_Bunny are you an hairdresser? You should be a writer. Reading your review certainly got me, well lets say in the mood. You are so descriptive and informative. It certainly sounds like it was something you would use and enjoy but may be not every day. I thing Fifty shades of grey would be put in the shadows with one of your books. Keep the reviews coming and I hope the hairdressing is going well.


Aww thank you @steve19 :smiling_face:

I love writing, I’ve always had a real passion for it even since a young age, but the real love of my life, my world, is hair styling, helping others to feel better about themselves and their appearance and of course, my business - I already do what I love the most :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That and massive dildos :joy::joy::joy:


@Blonde_Bunny totally agree with @steve19, your review is more a story, and a good one at that. Your lost talent using a hairdryer and comb. You have to start writing stories, preferably adult ones :wink:
Never thought little red riding could cause such a reaction for a married man lol.


Your reviews are always amazing and a hilarious read. I know were always our own harshest critics, but they really are creative pieces of writing in their own rights. Always make me laugh. The space dildo one is definetly one of my all time faves (so many dirty astronomy metaphors :laughing: )


Maybe I just like Fairy Tales?! :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl:

I thought it was great but I think all your reviews are. In terms of making purchases quite a few of us, myself included I hope, write informative reviews to help people interested in a product make an informed decision with relevant information. Yours however, certainly in me at any rate(!), sometimes inspire purchases in stuff people wouldn’t necessarily be looking at. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not buying the Monster however much you’re Lycan it as it would be wasted with me being used only as a mantle piece ornament or a coffee table talking piece :woman_shrugging:t2:.

Having said that never give up hair, a really talented stylist is a very rare thing and I strongly suspect that is you. The joy your clients feel leaving having had a real pamper and feeling good about themselves would never be a waste… we just enjoy the writing done on the side!


I love your reviews @Blonde_Bunny, they never fail to make me smile (and sometimes wince haha).

I’m lucky to have a hairdresser that I think is like you, a natural magician at making hair look amazing and making your clients feel incredible and pampered :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Male53, @steve19, @Diggerman_Baz, @Green_Eyed_Girl, @Peitho and @MsSubExperimenter, you guys are going to make me cry :sob::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face:.

You have no idea how warming it is to know people like and enjoy - and also find informative - something you’ve created all by yourself. It’s a hell of a lot of fun writing them too, it involves a lot of playing with these toys, probably a lot more than I need to, to make sure I clearly express how they’ve made me feel both inside and out.

Don’t worry folks, I don’t think I’ll ever, ever, give up the scissors and peroxides, I’m sure many people aren’t as fortunate as me that the job they do is truly the best thing in their lives. I love what I do, the smiles I can make, and the friendships and fun that comes with it all. :heart:


Perhaps I will start writing some more of my short erotic stories again for fun and post links to Literotica if I’m allowed. :speak_no_evil:

Oh, you’ll buy it @Peitho, you just don’t know it yet, but you’ll buy it. You’ll be Lycan it as much as I do :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Coffee spitting is the goal @MsSubExperimenter :rofl:

Ha thanks @Green_Eyed_Girl, that really was one of the most fun to write, the universal puns were infinite :joy: I love that you loved it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I think I better read all of @Blonde_Bunny reviews, they sound amazing @Green_Eyed_Girl .


There are quite a few in the My reviews thead. They are very diverting and definitely make for a good read. The galaxy dildo is definetly my fave, but the poetry one is Very close second


Aww I’m elated to make you feel happy @Blonde_Bunny be proud of your beauty inside and out as it shines through. You’re so funny as well n uno the first review you wrote a poem I can’t believe that ain’t got the 50 likes as it’s immense, I’m astounded it’s not got many likes or won something because you could publish, it’s that good n I mean that whole heartedly :+1:t2::kissing_heart: I’m gonna find the link for it in a minute n hopefully more people will see your great work and show it some well deserved love :heartpulse: :writing_hand:

Out of interest how long does it take you and anybody else to compose them? I’m wondering as I write reviews but as it’s obvious to see my grammar and expression isn’t good, but I’m still very lucky working with a decent amount of companies :four_leaf_clover: my point being they still take me ages to form! :kissing_heart:

Editing to say, everybody’s reviews here are so good here, they most definitely have a lot to answer for with everybody’s bank statements :bank: :hear_no_evil::sweat_smile::rofl: They are much better than some of the companies i write for, thanks all for the hard work yous put in with the reviews :+1:t2::kissing_heart:


I don’t know how to add specific posts onto ours but this review about the womaniser premium smart silence is immense and definitely deserves way more love if anybody’s up for it :kissing_heart::triangular_flag_on_post::bolivia::heavy_check_mark::large_blue_diamond::heart_eyes:


Awww thank you @Alyssa646 :smiling_face: Yes, that was one of my first ever reviews. That one I did actually win a prize for, it was when Lovehoney had the Review Of The Month Competition and I won a £100 voucher to spend on the website :grimacing:

Here is the link to it that you were looking for :smiling_face:

Each review probably takes me about 1-2 hours in total but I write little bits at a time. I add some parts and take some bits away after each time I’ve used the item. This is often over about 3 days although a few of my reviews I’ve written straight after I’ve received the toy, tried it, loved it, and just written the review. I’ve never changed my mind on how a toy has made me feel yet, although sometimes I receive or buy new toys that I find are actually better and I have quite a mountainous stash of neglected devices and dicks under my bed - none of them that I will ever get rid of. I love them all dearly :heart_eyes::rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Love it :drooling_face: :two_hearts:


[quote=“Blonde_Bunny, post:4403, topic:261163”] and I have quite a mountainous stash of neglected devices and dicks under my bed - none of them that I will ever get rid of. I love them all dearly :heart_eyes::rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yeh. We got one of them too! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I call it ‘sex toy purgatory’. My wife calls it ‘the archive’


I call it The Snake Pit :rofl:




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