What I do is I open a new ‘Note’ on my iPhone before the item has arrived. I won’t give it a title yet - title always comes last for me - but I’ll put a list of what I want to cover, boxing, first impression, smell, taste perhaps (I pretty much put everything I own in my mouth at some point), what did it feel like when I smothered it and around my face… and so on.
Then when the toy arrives, I’ll just write out really quickly off the top of my head a few bits like ‘the dick looked sexy as fuck’, and ‘definitely a delight putting this dildo down my throat’ or ‘unfortunately it smelled like one of those cheap inflatable plastic crocodiles you’d buy from Woolacombe Bay.
Pull out your trusty tape measure, be firm but be fair, actually see if you’ve been sold a lie like most of the dick-pics you’ve ever received…
For once in life, size does matter.
Then the fun starts. Play time. Again and again and again and…. Yeah you get the picture. Be versatile with the item, be a boarderline weirdo sometimes, stick that dick to the patio door and see if you can pull it off, see how it makes you feel using it right there even, see how the neighbours feel that they’ve caught you using it and now not only can you not look them in the eye, you can’t look at yourself in the mirror anymore - but damn that dick was worth it
Use the toy again.
Just add bits to the review, change bits, read it and read it again and by doing it in this way I think you can pretty much cover absolutely every single detail, as accurately as possible and I don’t think anyone can ever write a bad review if they just write how they feel - that’s all we care about right.
Honestly it takes no time at all to write a review this way, a few seconds here and there. Sometimes I’ll be at work colouring somebody’s hair, I’ll be just day dreaming about that dick from last night and be like ‘oooo gosh, that was one fine filling phallus, I’ll pop that in my review.” I’ll quickly tell my client I need to nip to my store room and I’ll add that thought to my review notes and edit it later. Easy.
But just remember, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a short and simple review. I know I talk for England and my reviews end up more of a blog style, 6 volume novel collection, but a short and simple, straight to the point, factual and informative review can be a lot more effective I’m sure and I would think most people prefer reading those types.
Just be you, write how the item physically feels but also write how it makes you feel.
Just be yourself, never copy a review or try to imitate it - this isn’t the coursework you didn’t complete in time at school so you need to borrow your best friend’s and change 3 words. I read hundreds of reviews each week and there is often a few ‘similarities’ popping up now and then. You’d actually be surprised how many times I’ve seen the odd phrase or complete section from one of my own reviews reappear on a slightly different toy - sometimes the same toy
Hope this helps you - or anyone else - but I am in no way some review god, my style is likely way too long for most people and there are hundreds better than me. Thousands.