The Lounge

Black Country for you first Geordie phrase is “Om gooin um ter me pit” :joy:


No. I’m very sorry… You’ve lost me completely! :rofl: :rofl:


@WillC is going going to bed :sleeping: ain’t ya bab :dizzy_face:

I love how our different accents are like a different language :smiley:


Two countries divided by a common language…

I have seen som British authors put a glossary at the back of their books for US readers, so you are not alone!


When I phone, I regularly have to ask people to repeat themselves, I’ve had this issue phoning Scotland, Wales, Ireland the Northeast and Northwest, I really struggle to understand the different dialects, but also I was in a petrol garage near me recently and I asked for something, I had to ask him 4 times gave up and I just said don’t worry thanks. I often feel guilty afterwards.


You got it bab! :+1:


I’m sure there was a thrad about this and it was mostly Scottish words and phrases lol

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That’s brilliant I can add for Scottish and English :grinning:

Have you ever noticed, that is something they omit in Hollywood movies . Never see a wild sex scene followed by a clean up .


YES!!! This needs to be acted out :rofl: Something my OH and I are always thinking.

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@drippingwet in response to your comment on clean up we have tissue close to hand but if itsxa late session I just leave his cum inside wake up with wet on my legs and other places particularly if not shaved


@Mrs.John thank you for the like hope your keeping well and safe lovely pictures

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@Mrs.John you working from home just home from a funeral

That’s an idea for a new topic, stuff in films that don’t happen in real life!
Like after a rampant sex session, the participants get all coy and cover themselves with a sheet to walk to the bathroom! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Could someone please pop a breaker in the :uk: Special Offers, Top Sale Picks and DOTD thread for me please? (Last 3 posts are me) Today’s DOTD is a good one.

@Ian_Chimp - sorry, prob shouldn’t have done obvious post if you’re keeping a low profile still at the moment but I was so happy you’d actually checked into the forum as you’d been planted on 390 days for ages. I very much hope all is okay with you and your family and you’ll be back with us soon!

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Thank you @PKH :pray:

No problem :wink:

I need to know the secret to anal sex my wife says it hurts

I must ask, what do you mean "pop a breaker in, special offers, top sale picks.?
I don’t want to miss anything @Peitho

I think it’s because you can’t post more than 3 consecutive replies in a row, someone has to reply to break the chain.