The Lounge

That is so true!

Even I hear that, like when I refuse cake. “why aren’t you eating cake?, you don’t need to watch your weight”. A slim girl at a place I worked used to get it all the time: “look at her on the slim fast shakes, why do you need slim fast?, you’re so skinny anyway”. Some people just don’t get it.

I don’t count carbs or calories but it’s not rocket science. I actually eat loads and drink a fair bit too but I cook all my own food and rarely eat crap and do a lot of less formal exercise. I sometimes think I am lucky with my health but then again my lifestyle choices have contributed positively. 20 - 30 years on from where you are now, I’m probably as fit and healthy as I’ve ever been so I whole heartedly agree with all your motivations against how easy it would be to go back to bed or sit on the couch all evening. Go Girl!

Luckily I’m blessed with my man stuff, not quite so easy for us to go out and buy a new one


I totally agree with the weight and diet issue and its great you look after yourself. Unfortunately there are some medical issues that are due to no apparent reason which you could control. I was diagnosed with MS at 23, I was extremely fit and very health at the time. There is nothing I could have one to prevent this, like wise there are many cancer’s. A lot is down to luck or bad luck. Life may never be the same again. If you are healthy think yourself very lucky. All the money in the world still does not guarantee you health.


So I found the hangout spot. Who all is in the lounge. I’m ready to relax :laughing:


I just wanted to let you know that after reading your post yesterday, has hit home and I am a lot more positive today. My weight has increased over the last few years by about 12 pounds and I would really like to lose about 1 stone 6 pounds. Your words really struck a cord and I am building a plan to eat better and less. I think this will help my self-esteem and confidence. So Thank you.


Big love to you @steve19 lots more words that I’ve deleted a few times so I’m keeping it short n sweet, hugs :hugs:

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You got this @steve19 :muscle:t3:


So… I was just randomly searching the site for silly, fun, quirky gifts like the After Dinner Willies, the Penis Mug and the Duck with a Dick, why isn’t there a page in the menu with all these types of things in by the way?!? Anyway, I typed in “funny items” and the first thing that came up was this blog post. It’s from a bit ago but I really enjoyed it and it entertained me this morning so I thought I’d share it with you all as Halloween isn’t that far away.

Funny Halloween Sex Toy Searches


@Peitho :laughing: ok, that link made my day. Purfect haloween post :100: % :two_hearts: :bat:

I agree though, they definitely need a novelty gift section. I can think of a ton of stuff that could go in there, like the chocolate body pen, edible body dust, the whole set of candy lingure (Bra, Thong, Mens thong, Nipple tassels and cock ring). Not to mention the Smutty love hearts.
There are a ton of others too. I really want these socks with dicks on them (also in large) but sadly cant get away with wearing them round a shared house.
this is definitely my fave novelty though. Rainbow cock sock, makes me laugh, so cheerful.


Ooh, I’d seen the rest but never the chocolate body pen! Love that, this is why a section like this needs to exist on the site.

I’ve suggested it now :crossed_fingers:


There are some weird lube and lickable massage oil flavours too that would be fun for a gift too

Edit: @Peitho ooh, i found chocolate and glow in the dark condoms too (theres quite a bit of glow in the dark stuff actually)

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Having just searched “Searches” there was a Halloween edition again last year. Tempting to enter some random search terms for next time, see if we can make the top ten


Great to hear @steve19 . Every day I really do appreciate how lucky I am and that others aren’t so fortunate


@Melody1 I also feel I am very lucky, I have a lovely wife and a beautiful house and life.
Life could be a lot harder and there are many many more people suffering more. I am very grateful for everything that I have.


Oh boy! That’s quite a list :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Please stop! This laughin’s starting to actually hurt!:joy::joy::rofl::rofl:

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Just wanted to say, being across the pond, there have been a lot of words in the different threads that I thought, what the heck are they talking about! and had to google them :laughing: I started a list of them to show my husband who also didn’t know what any of them were: cwtches, cuppa, bab, bits, a&e, footy, and some others that I’m now forgetting :thinking:

Learning new things every day :sweat_smile::ok_hand:


Just ask us, we’ll fill you in on any words you don’t know! :slightly_smiling_face:


@PKH this really made me smile this morning :smile::relaxed::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@PKH just wait until I throw a few in from my neck of the woods.


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I get this totally.:rofl::rofl:
I live in the South and get very confused up in the Northeast. The Geordie dialect is a very special, unique & beautiful thing!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I had to ask a shopkeeper to repeat herself three times, on my last visit to Newcastle!!
I‘ve still to this day no idea what she asked me!:smiling_face:

Take the phrase: “I’m gan yem to me scratcha.”
(I‘m going home to bed)
“Get doon on ya honkas man”
(get down on all fours, man)
"Gannin oot on the toon the neet ta git mortal“
(Going out to town tonight to drink copious alcoholic beverages)

Gorgeous, right?!