The Lounge

Definitely do one, feels so good when you tick stuff off. That may just my organised self coming out but it’s also fun to work through too.

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@Dirty-Wife your puppy is adorable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: me and my partner both want a Rottweiler as we think they probably make one of the best family dogs but unfortunately our house is really small. You will have to keep me updated with how easy he is to train.


Today, Friday or the w/end?
Hopefully fun in-store and lots of options?

I need to stop reading about sex and get into it.


He’s my 4th rottie I absolutely love them, and my kids love him too and very playful. He’s settled in so well, and he’s picking things up pretty quickly.

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Could someone kindly put a lil breaker in the My Reviews thread please? I’m on a roll :hugs:

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Continue your roll :wink:

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I just love it when you post a link to the photo section with YOU wearing the item!

I read all your reviews @For_Your_Eyes_Only_x appreciate your efforts and honest feedback.

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Thank you @Nvravrg69, I do have a little routine going on with writing the reviews and then photographing the piece!


Think midlife crisis is here

Don’t really want a motorbike, can’t be arsed with an affair (not that I would do that to my wife!) so joined the gym a few weeks ago and shaved my Pollock Shaws earlier tonight

All rock n roll


Just wanted to check in and see how everyone was going. I know there’s a lot happening around the globe right now.

Hopefully everyone’s managing :crossed_fingers:


Thank you @RacyRosalee :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: To be honest I’m feeling sad with all the transphobia and hate in the media at the moment :cry: :rage: Trying to stay away from it all but it’s not easy to avoid. I hope you’re doing ok? There’s so much sad news and bad things going on in the world at the moment. We need more pet photos to cheer us all up! :cat2:


Thank you @JoCat for posting a pic of your beautiful Morris, such a cutie! I saw it just before my counselling session this morning and it cheered me up so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :cat2: :cat:


Aw I’m so glad, he is such a sweet & mischievous wee boy!
I hope your session went well lovely.

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It went well thank you x

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I have my appointment with a psychiatrist later today for my autism assessment and hopeful diagnosis via MS Teams.

I’m feeling stressed and anxious, logically there’s no reason to, what will be will be, but it’s suddenly very real.


Good luck @MsSubExperimenter hopefully everything goes well for you

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Good luck!
Its understandable that you’re stressed, its important to you and could be the validation that you’re looking for. I would expect you to be feeling a bit emotional, if you’ve got some, make a hot chocolate for a bit of sweet comfort.

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Thank you :purple_heart: you’re right @JoCat I did feel emotional, still do.

Got partway through it, have a second appointment next week so no answer yet :disappointed:


Ah thats frustrating, hopefully with this first one being out of the way, you’ll know a bit more about what to expect next week. Big hugs lovely :black_heart:

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I’m guessing if you werent feeling stressed and anxious you wouldnt be needing an appointment with the psychiatrist. We all at times want that magic pill that makes our life constantly ecstatic or at least pleasant, but in reality to get the right outcome the process needs to be followed and each step can take some time. Hope you feel at little more relaxed over the coming week and get an answer at the next meeting and a plan to move forward :people_hugging:

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