The Lounge

Could someone very kindly put a breaker in the My Reviews thread please? I only have one more to post! Thank you :heart:



Just went on to my profile and noticed the message tab. Just wondering what it’s for :thinking:

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I think that’s accidentally showing, as we don’t have the messages feature enabled on here. If you try and send a message it should tell you that you can’t, so I think it’s just a visual thing.

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Not a visual thing but tried messaging you, @Ian_Chimp and @Lovehoney_Brenna and thankfully it comes up with an error message rather than sending.


:joy: That will fool some of those firsty people this weekend.


Don’t forget your fire safety: Do I really need to teach an adult about fire safety? I’d hope noi! But, just in case, keep lit candles away from curtains and fabrics, and keep something to hand to put out a fire, should you need to.

@Tenshadesandme that’s made my writing muse prick her ears up and think I may have to incorporate some wax play into my Chicago Fire fic now :rofl:

(Keep something to hand, like a sexy firefighter? :smiling_imp: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)


Trouble is, from experience with men in uniform (my Mum used to work for the fire brigade, so I knew a few!) most firefighters are teddy bears really, and your name would tell me that that’s not how you would want it to go :wink:

Haha oh I don’t know, nothing wrong with a little give and take :wink:

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Oh I quite agree! Many who want to train me have to be reminded that I train pets too, and if I can find a collar that fits them, well… :wink:

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I love wet look you look amazing in it I love partner in wet look especially when it’s a naughty night woop woop

That’s amazing outfit

I can think of a use for that even if I don’t have that sort of equipment :laughing:

Can’t beat that feeling of rubbing an ice lolly (in wrapper) on your chest and around your bollocks to cool down in this weather…can’t believe the shop are making me buy it though!


Wow sounds nice wat else u use

Love to try new things

The review thread is strictly for posting reviews, so I’ve moved your posts here.

It is also worth noting that asking for excessive information from other members is not appropriate. The forum is not for one-on-one chat. Please see the forum rules if you need a refresher :smiling_face:

Oops sorry

Your profile picture is also extremely inappropriate. I would recommend reading the photo rules.

No genitalia, no matter how slight, is permitted on the forum

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Right ok fair enough il change it not haveing good night am I :rofl:

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