The Lounge

@JoCat I’ll put my holiday chat in here so we don’t hijack the other thread!

I won’t lie, I probably wasn’t as exciting as I probably could have been as I was pretty much sun bed bound till about Wednesday (I had got there Saturday evening).

Travel wise, chatted to a few people on the flight, it wasn’t awkward or anything. I ended up sitting next to a couple, they were super nice and I kept apologising for how sick I was :rofl::mask: I’m genuinely surprised I wasn’t stopped at the airport for the amount of medication I had in my hand luggage. I did end up having to go to a local pharmacy whilst there as I thought I might have to abandon the trip at one point. There’s loads of local doctor’s and the hospital is only about €10 in a taxi away.

I chose a hotel on ‘cardiac hill’, I won’t name it but if you just google that plus Lanzarote there’s a choice of a few. It’s a killer but you’re literally 30 seconds down and you’re right on the strip. For me, somewhere that’s very close to bars/restaurants was ideal. Honestly, Lanzarote is super duper friendly. Restaurants welcome you in with open arms and they’ll never make you feel awkward. I was recognised by 2 that I’d been to back in March with my friends, which was really nice. Clearly made an impression somehow :rofl:

I’ve flown into Arrecife airport before but honestly it’s really really easy to get around. That and Alicante, I find quite user friendly airports. I had a package deal so got my transfers included and they are SO easy. You get dropped off right outside your hotel. It is easy enough to get a taxi for like €20, but just for this time, I think I just felt safer travelling with a big group and knowing that I’d get dropped off exactly where I’d supposed to end up.

On this occasion, I didn’t do any excursions I won’t lie. But they’re actually pretty easy to organise. Your hotel reception will usually help you or they’ll direct you to somewhere on the strip.

My hotel luckily had a good food selection as some days, I just dragged my butt down to the bar for breakfast, lunch and dinner in between sunbathing, had a few cocktails then collapsed back on my sunbed/inflatable in the pool haha. I think for the first few days, people didn’t really talk to me (and to be honest I didn’t make the effort either), just because I sounded horrific :rofl: but by about day 4/5ish I’d managed to chat to quite a few people. It was Irish central, I’m pretty sure I was the only Scot there till day 6!

On a day when it was a tad cloudy, I did an early morning walk along the beach then back along the main road. I wasn’t harassed or anything, had an over the shoulder bag and would happily do that by myself again.

Would I do solo next year? Absolutely. I felt confident and honestly just rolling with what I wanted to do was fab. You should definitely try and sort something :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you so much for this, I really appreciateyou taking the time to write this for me! Lanzarote is somewhere that I’m hearing really good things about for solo travels and I think a package deal would be ideal. Like you, I’d feel better being dropped outside the hotel and picked up. I love the idea of just wandering around with an audio book playing, people watching and some chats.

Cardiac hill sounds woeful, I’ve just googled it and a youtube video came up of a family attempting to run it. The person recording gave up after 14 secs lol that would be me lol

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@JoCat no probs.

Hahahahaha I remember the first time I went and I was just like WTF even is this angle. Don’t even bother taking high heels. I live in flip flops and sandals!

It does get better the more you do it, I didn’t find it too bad this time but my apartment at the hotel was located at the back of the complex was what finished me off. The first few days when I was dying, I had to stop so many times :hot_face::sneezing_face:

I don’t even have high heels lol I live in hiking boots and trainers, my Vans or brogues are for when I’m dressed up lol

No wonder you flopped on the sun loungers so much then, those last few steps were the killer!

I think I might look at a going for a few days in Oct/Nov!

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Hahahaha yeah I have one pair of black heels and that’s as far as I’ll go.

I’m coming back towards the end of September :sunglasses: then hopefully planning a wee June trip for next year!

You will LOVE it :sunny::tropical_drink:

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@WillC - superb! :clap::clap::clap:

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Good evening, is there any way of getting back the people I followed and who followed me?? And there was me thinking I getting the hang of this forum​:man_facepalming:t3::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I’m going to Lanzarote 2 weeks on Saturday. I’m so excited, it’s one of my favourite places. I love the laid back nature of it and all the small buildings.


@For_Your_Eyes_Only_x , this is a great review. The chocolate pen has been on my “maybe, sometime to try” list tor ages. I love chocolate but I just envisage a lot if mess and problems like you encountered. Maybe it should still be on my list just for the laugh? A good giggle during sex can sometimes be great. I’m now picturing drawing a little face the end of my OH’s penis :rofl:.


@Peitho - it was hilarious! I definitely recommend trying it; I just can’t guarantee the outcome :joy:

There is a photo awaiting Brenna’s approval (and I’m hoping everyone reads the review before looking at the photo otherwise there will be definite questions… :joy:)


That review made me giggle! Thank you! :rofl:

(Also kind of reminds me of a time at work when someone smashed a bottle of Gaviscon and it splashed over my black trousers… got some interesting looks and comments from that one!)


Try getting yoghurt splashed up the front of your black trousers! Definitely NOT a good look in public! :joy:


Another wonderful review shout out that I think you’ll all enjoy reading. When the Fantasy Cyclone Silicone Alien Vagina Stroker first appeared on the tester list, I remember posting that I couldn’t wait to read the review from whoever was lucky enough to get to test it. I’ve been a bit slow to check up on the product but @Bearjamin has written a fabulous, detailed review and I throughly appreciate the punning that’s gone into it so thanks, @Bearjamin .


That looks amazing!

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@Peitho Thank you for your kind words! Glad you enjoyed reading it. I had good fun writing that one! :smile:

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Happy Friday everyone. We made it! So what naughty or fun plans do we all have this weekend?? Whatever you do have a good one :stuck_out_tongue:

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@AJSTAR , I didn’t want to divert the other thread but just wanted to say, from getting to know you as a regular and lovely contributer here for years; you are a wonderful person and the right guy is definitely out there for you, you just haven’t met him yet. You are caring and compassionate and the right man is going to see that soon. It’s right to wait for the right person and I wish you a wonderful relationship when it comes along.


I’ll second that @Peitho

@AJSTAR you’ll find someone…be you because you’re great exactly as you are.



Ahh thank you @Peitho and @CurvyJilly :face_holding_back_tears: I hope so too as my worst fears are it may never happen or it’ll happen when all my best years are gone and I’m too old to start a family which i really would love


You’re still young, it’ll happen for you when you least expect it x