If you see something you think is inappropriate pop a little flag in it. It goes in a list for Brenna to look at, but it also counts how many flags a post is getting. The TL3/TL2 stuff also weighs in, so if enough TL3/TL2s pop a flag in it then that triggers a ‘hide message’ until Brenna gets a chance to review it.
ETA: The message can be un-hidden if the poster edits it. There’s a 10 minute ‘reflection’ delay, so no-one writes anything worse. If it gets re-flagged than it’ll stay hidden until a mod checks it.
It’s in the Flag box. If you click the in a post it should give you four options:
- It’s Off-Topic (pretty easy )
- It’s Inappropriate (anything against the rules)
- It’s Spam (trash posts)
- Something Else (if you want to add more detail)