The Sandbox

:rofl::rofl::rofl: might be worth tagging @Lovehoney_Brenna

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Good idea @Kitty-Cat01 :+1:

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This is 100000% my fault :joy: it should be fixed now


Thank you! @Lovehoney_Brenna :joy:

Yay! Thanks @Lovehoney_Brenna, I really want to know what you did now!

I added the letter “U” to be replaced by “you” to stick to the text speak rule, spent 20 minutes figuring out how not to mess up “u-turn” :woman_facepalming:

darn, it’s still doing it to me!

Hang on, you spoke too soon! :joy:
My post looks ok now

Yeah, it seems to have started doing it to me again too.

Okay, we might be in the clear now…

If anybody needs me I’ll be setting up my stocks, hope everyone has their tomatoes :joy:


It’s still happening to me!

Which words is it happening on?

anything with the letter “u” in it (clearly I can’t actually type the offending letter but I think you’ll get what I mean!)

Edit: You seem to have sorted it now :slight_smile:

Still looks wrong on the preview but it’s displaying fine when actually posted

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Phew, I think a refresh should fix it for anyone else still experiencing my Tuesday-BooBoo :woman_facepalming:


OMG this was just happening to me, thought my phone was on the fritz…

Glad to know I’m not the only one that it looked fine in edits and made no sense once I saved it…


I’ve just been catching up with the forum and having a little giggle at all the words with ‘you’s randomly in them. Thought I had stumbled across some kind of inside joke until I saw this :joy:


I’m sorely tempted to jyoust keeping typing like it and pretend mine isn’t fixed yet. :slightly_smiling_face:


Is this the point where i admit i cant even see them due to the dyslexia :laughing: have to stair at them for a bit before my brain stops reading them as normal. Didnt even notice it till i saw the comments about it :joy:

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It’s @wildflower’s “Well, maybe the flyouffy rabbits have inflyouenced me syoubconscioyously :slight_smile:” in the Adverts topic that got me :joy:


Me too. :slightly_smiling_face: It’s got a definate twang to it. :slightly_smiling_face:

In fact, I better quote it before it gets edited…