The Sex Education Show Versus Pornography

I only watched the first minute or so, decided it was too patronising and changed channel. Now I wish I'd endured a bit more so I could take part in this conversation. I'll try and find a repeat. .

The first two episodes are here Larissa. Last night's show doesn't seem to have been added yet.

Sorry the link didn't highlight, not sure why.

ive still not watched any of these programs, and i think from everythig ive read on this thread and from talking to my bloke bout it last night that its really just not worth watching it as its completely one sided and most seems to be made up or over exggerated.

you can get software for all computers to stop them being able to go on websites that are of an adult nature, so it is there and is down to the person who owns the computer to put this softwear onto there computer, normal porn is not against the law so there for BT can not do anything as no law is being broken. plus it is also impossable to police the internet so we as adults have to make it as safe for people under age as we can. her rant about BT just made her look like someone who is on a mission and only her veiw is the right one and to hell with anyone eles and the facts.

at the end of the day its down to the parents, there is alot of things you can do to try and make the internet more safer you just have to be active and do it, not just give them a laptop and then let them get on with it, then start to complaine when u find out there looking at porn ect. i mean you wouldnt give them a dvd player and then let them watch films that are for people aged 18 or above would u? its all about parenting in my book, let people seem to be quite to happy to have child but not do the hard work of bringing it up to be a happy, healthy, educated, well rounded person.


you can get software for all computers to stop them being able to go on websites that are of an adult nature, so it is there for down to the person who owns the computer to put this softwear onto there computer

this shoould read

you can get software for all computers to stop them being able to go on websites that are of an adult nature so it is there AND* is down to the person who owns the computer to put this softwear onto there computer

Thanks Angelarwen, I'll watch as soon as I get a chance.

As someone involved in education I will try and give my own balanced view on this show.

Surely the worst part was linking sex toys to teens viewing porn and then linking that to the shock horror look/tactic of the presenter finding cock rings and lubricants in supermarkets. This really tacky.

Teenagers viewing porn and sex toys are utterly separate issues.

The better parts were the " live model " / making teenagers aware of their bodies. I thought this was in general well thought out ,although spoilt by some obvious rigging of pictures. For example 11 real boobs most not in too good condition ( like mine ) and a really well done boob job. Which one would the boys pick as best ,well that was difficult wasn't it, I would have picked that pair as the nicest one too!.

All parents do have to more aware of what their kids see on the computer. However much software you use they will find a way round it if you let them have PC's in their rooms. This I can say for sure as I have seen 100k software / hardware filters being subverted by an 11year old boy!

I found the shock / horror approach to teenage girls / boys admitting to shaving their pubic hair as ridiculous. Times are changing, if that is the fashion, so be it, things will change in 20years time as surely as the sun will rise the next day.

I do think the program is worth watching however ,if only to make people talk. Talking about sex is in general what is not done enough especially between parents and their children. If this program encourages that good. So long as the priggish attitutde of those involved doesn't make it too unwatchable.

I think it's interesting how the kids themselves knew that porn wasn't realistic. That wasn't mentioned as significant at all. But it is. You can hardly be that corrupted if you know that it's not realistic!

I was talking about 'Reality TV' the other day at work though...and kids gave The Simpsons and Eastenders as examples!!

They all knew that porn was fake though!! One boy didn't know what porn was...a classmate helpfully told him!

hmm well tongiht its back to the good old scare tactic methods, like i was taught at school!

If I regularly let my child wander the streets alone, speaking to strangers, wandering into pubs, bars, clubs, (gasp) sex shops. I'd be plastered across the media and vilified. Probably prosecuted, at the very least there would be calls to take my kid into care.

When a teenager says they want driving lessons, parents wouldn't dream of buying them a BMW, handing over the keys and saying "Off you go then, work it out for yourself." They wouldn't take their kid to the pool for their first swimming lesson, chuck them in and walk away.

Parents need to take responsibility to find out how to use computers & the internet, before handing over the keys to their kids.

Argh, rant over. Off to the pool, now where did I leave the kid today?

im watching tonight, and why i dont agree with most of the show i do think there doing something right in tonight show and thats the STI talks in the school and actually showing them and telling them about the differant STI's what happens when you go for a test.


All of this does happen in schools but funding doesn't allow us to bring in 'experts' so it is taught by teachers of other things...whoever is happy to do it! Ours have been practising putting condoms on plastic thingies recently

Some people have been v unhappy about teaching it...been to the unions and all! But they don't mind teaching about drugs and booze etc and at least sex is legal!

my sex ed has been the same as anders by the sounds of things, apart from aswell as having sex ed in biology we also had another class in like year 10 and 11 when we was doing some social thing.

but i also got sed ed from my mum who told me everything i needed to know at the right ages and i could always ask he about sex and stuff and she would listen and answear (to a right amount for wot ever age i was when asking questions) which i think all parents should do. however now it seems i give the sex ed to my mum which is rather funny at times!


I totally agree that the overall premise of the show was good and that kids should be learning the more unsavoury aspects of having sex. I just wish they hadn't had that whole porn angle to it because, really, it was unnecessary. Their aim could have been accomplished without all the scaremongering and finger-pointing.

I noticed that, as she was wrapping it all up last night, the presenter very sarcastically said that the ISPs, etc, didn't do enough to help and that, apparently, it's down to the parents. Why be sarcastic about that?! On the most part it is entirely accurate.

Sorry to inform you but in science what is meant to be taught is in essence the mechanics of the male and female reproduction, a little bit on pregnancy and birth, periods, forms of contraception, changes in the body that take place at puberty. This is at best going to occur in 3 lessons in Yr 7 and possibly 2 more in Year 10 or 11.

Emotional aspects are more usually taught in PSHE / Social education along with more on contraception.

I have done both aspects in the past , even down to showing a group of 11 year old boys how to put a condom on using a banana and then having one of them ask do you have to use a banana before you put the condom on!

Wow Frenchy, nice to see you back, didn't know you were a member of the mortar board set !!

The way things are going my old syllabus of meiosis and mitosis, wit a bit of Kreb's cycle thrown in will soon have passed onto home chemistry sets where you can grow a viable organism from stem cells recovered from the toilet pan. Maybe a tad Frankenstein l agree but once you take the lid off who knows where it will end up.... excommunications could well be back on the agenda!!!

OK thin link l agree but you aint been around much have you?


Not been around much due to partners poorly leg , he needs a lot of looking after and I'm not getting much (any) action!,

I'm not in active service in the chalk board army ( actually interactive white board army ) while the rugrats are still young. I also tend to flit between university / academic / training work and hands on teaching.

Once thought of doing a PGCE myself and go into teaching, but l think l was running with something like an idealised version of kids ie like me, avaricious for knowledge and learning!! realsed life isn't like that and kids would be sniggering asl tried to draw reproductive organs on the black/white board whatever... certainly wasn't the era when kids got general access to reproductive input, and l'm not sure of the teenage pregnancy rate then but l will put my pension on it being nothing like todays!!!- well in Inner City areas at any rate.... likes to think rural shires still more traditional in terms of the natural order of things and kids not being old before their time.