Hey @Oldman change does come as a bit of a shock as you get older but keep at it and you’ll get there. You should have seen the mess I made of the first few days but it’s starting to come together now
By the way I’m loving your new profile pic! Why not come across to this topic and feel the love ! Rate the avatar of the person above
Oh you’ve already found it! I was too slow .
I’m in the same boat
Hi I am also an oldie and am finding thechange very difficult. I really hope I get use to things but I am concerned I will loose heart and just give up. I don’t understand why you have to be a certain grade before you can post pictures. I wonder if you have to be a certain grade to view?
Don’t lose heart @steve19 you will get there in the end. Just browse around the forum, have a practice at things…no one will mind if you make some mistakes, Lord knows I made enough on the first day! There’s lots of help available from peeps on here if there’s stuff you don’t understand.
Btw I’m an oldie too!
Thanks Wildflower, I think I will get use to it but frustrated at having to achieve a level to post pictures, although no one would want to see my purchases etc. May be when I have lost a few stones.
It is a different format, but I don’t think anyone 'has to do ’ anything. People can just read and answer and post as usual, with the additional option to ‘like’ a post. If you visit the forum regularly and are not a flakey one time user, then I think the rest will follow…
Clicking on the 3 bars next to your profile pic top right leads you to all the categories we had before.
I think the alerts are good for regulars, to keep track of conversations, but - like Facebook - could put the stress levels up if someone hasn’t visited for a while. I would say, just do what you want to do!
@steve19 don’t worry about posting pics, we’re all supportive and none of us are perfect! It’s very liberating and confidence building!
Seems like we can go ‘business as usual’ though…? I don’t see the badges or ‘trust’ concept preventing me from anything here. But I was not a power-user on the old forum
I am dyiiiiing to get to the next level so I can upload some new pics! I’m so not the patient type
7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Certified and Licensed Badges (Discobot Tutorials)
aha so that how we progress
Sorry I am aware this is a few days old now. But just to check, are topics the individual posts themselves or the different groups the posts come under?
That may be obvious to some so apologies if I’m sounding dense! I’ve a very tired, addled brain this weekend
Topics is just another name for ‘Thread’ in old money.
Cheers Chimp!
Hi ChloJakes, and we are looking forward to seeing your photos. The site is getting time to get use to but Ian.chimps is proving very useful.
I can’t seem to earn the “reader” badge, is anyone else having this problem?
I’ve definitely fulfilled it and even read through 130posts of an unread (very interesting) topic in one go in case it needed to be in one sitting, but still nothing!
Did you do it today? I think there’s a chance it tallies some of them up over night. I think I got mine the next morning (though I can’t remember 100%). Failing that you could scroll painstakingly down 100+ messages, visually clicking them off one by one on the post counter on the way down, just to make sure. I think we’re really going to start to see how much these badges mean to people.
@Cassii I’ve had the same issue
It looks like it popped for you this morning. By the look of it, it’s done a batch all at the same time.
Not sure about you @Haribo666. Looks like you’re going to have to try again.
Yay! Looks like my little insomniac readathon was worth it then
The urge to “achieve” it if it’s there is a strong one I browsed through them all and was immediately trying to get a few done. I swear it could say ‘post a million times, upside down, in a wet suit, at full moon while eating a bagel to get a mega Uber badge’ and I’d briefly be wondering when the next full moon is.