Trust Levels

You and me @ , we’re on a roll. Let’s keep going. We can be the ‘badgemasters’ together. :joy:

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

I think they’ve accidentally slid my earlier reply into a different topic. I’ve asked for it back, but we’ll see if they take pity on me. :slightly_smiling_face:

Update They’ve given it back. :slightly_smiling_face: It’s out of order, but you can find it below :+1: (alternatively you can expand the quote above by clicking on its header).

Just to add another TL2 feature I’ve seen; I’ve now also spotted I can ‘Ignore’ users as well as ‘Mute’ them (found in their user profile).

  • Normal (TL1) - You will be notified if this user replies to you, quotes you, or mentions you.
  • Mute (TL1) - You will not receive any notifications related to this user
  • Ignore (TL2) - You will not receive any notifications related to this user, and all of their replies and topics will be hidden

So, it’ll only be a few more days and I’ll probably be talking to myself and not realising it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Is it because we’ve all been naughty at some point :wink:

Okay, I’m now a Member (Trust Level 2). To be honest, it seems exactly the same. :slightly_smiling_face:

Differences so far:

  • My edit window is now 30 days. :+1: (I think)

  • I can post images. All posts in Uploaded Photos 2020 need moderator approval, so if you post something you’ll get this message:

    We’ve received your new post but it needs to be approved by a moderator before it will appear. Please be patient.

    You have 1 post pending.

    (It’s not Live yet, so let’s see how that goes)

    It’s now Live :+1::slightly_smiling_face: (and it let me edit the text without needing further approval)

  • There’s an ‘invite user to a topic’ feature that you can find under

    Topic Controls → :link: Share

    That pulls up a ‘Share a link’ pop-up, but now there’s an extra ‘Send Invite’ tab too where you can:

    ‘Enter the username of the person you’d like to invite to this topic.’

    There’s also a button too that takes you to your phone contacts (or at least some of them?). Not really sure what this is for. I tried to add Mrs Chimp’s email address to the box, but it wouldn’t send it? If you pop an email address in it allows you to add a custom message. I’m not sure about this yet. (The email option may have a glitch. Stay tuned.)


  • You also seem to get an extra info box on a new member’s very first post:

    This is the first time [user] has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!

  • And you get another if someone has posted something for the first time in a long time (6 months).

    It’s been a while since we’ve seen [user] — their last post was 6 months ago.



Yaaaaaas I’m now up a level so should be able to post photos :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2:


same here :grinning::grinning: woo hoo


It’s a goooooood day! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


:grinning::grinning::grinning: finally level 2


Congratulations everyone. :slightly_smiling_face::champagne:

Let us know if you spot anything fun and new. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Very happy… I’ve finally been able to correct a tag I put in incorrectly 13 days ago and didn’t notice for 24hrs and 3 minutes!!! Hooray :tada::rofl:


I thought having 24 hours to edit (and a reliable edit too) was brilliant, but the 30 day edit window is truly glorious. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yay! We levelled up today too :blush:


I levelled up too :blush:


I was thrilled to wake up this morning to find I’d moved to Level 2 ! :smiley:


I was elevated to level 2 this morning still confused lol


Thought id have levelled up by now but still one day to go

when you reach level 2 does that mean you can upload pictures and view other pictures like befor???

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Even at TL2 I’m still hitting loads of Like limiters. The ‘wait 8 minutes’, so I wait and then do the Like I wanted only to get ‘wait 35 minutes’ the next time I press (and then ‘wait 5 hours’ on the next round).


Probably trying to help with your “like” addiction @Ian_Chimp haha

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