Trying to fine a clone a pussy kit with sleeve!

I’m desperately trying to find a clone a pussy kit with the sleeve included. This seems out of stock everywhere, Lovehoney included.

Anyone know anywhere it’s in stock in the U.K.? Or can lovehoney find one that’s slipped behind a shelf in the warehouse? XD


I would put this in the Pander to me! … PRODUCTS ONLY thread to see if it’llbe restocked. Because its something that LH sell, nobody would be able to recommend a site or store as that would be against the forum rules.

Could you make it yourself by buying the silicone?

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I need the sleeve as well that goes with it. It’s for a subscriber who wants a replica XD

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Is there anything you could use to replicate the sleeve?

I don’t think so, I imagine the sleeve is made to hold a moulded clone kinda thing, whereas other sleeves aren’t…?

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@Amanda87 sounds a great idea of cloning a pussy would love to try it

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@Amanda87 . There is a site with it in stock, but cant share it here… if you visit , im sure there was a bit on the general chat section.

Hi just seen it

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Thank you :slight_smile: but even there the kit with the sleeve is out of stock. I saw the same this morning!

@Amanda87 … oh, it appeared to be in stock…just watched a video demo ( clone a pussy) on a porn site. Seemed an awful amount of work ( fun though id imagine) for a so so result .

Yeah, it’s someone who wants me to do it for him so he’ll pay for both the materials and my time :rofl:

I see it now from the general chat that was mentioned…I had something completely different in mind. I thought it was like a fleshlight with a mold of your vagina as well as your vulva. So I was thinking something like a condom filled with silicone could replicate it but nah lol
Its a pity bc you could absolutely profit from that once you have the kit!

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Keep us updated on how it goes - good Christmas present for next year

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