🇬🇧 UK Special Offers, Top Sale Picks and DOTD

Friday 2nd July
:star2: Deal of the Day :star2:

Lovehoney 8 Function Mini Magic Wand Vibrator
£30 £15 (50% off)

Batteries Required: 4 x AA (not included)

I own it and…
  • I recommend it :+1:
  • I am not a fan :-1:
  • I voted by accident :woman_facepalming:t2:
0 voters
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Is it just me or does it look like a bit like darth vader?


:joy: it does!

:laughing: now you mention it…yeah, i see it too

I didn’t mean to vote!

I think if you go back to not viewing the results you can unclick your vote. Not 100% certain but try it :+1:

I’m afraid not. You can change the poll name @Peitho and that will reset it, but you will lose all the votes. If you ask nicely @Purring-Pussy may be kind enough to vote again. :slightly_smiling_face::crossed_fingers:

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I just got a notification saying, “You cannot change a poll after the first 5 minutes” and it refused to edit it :woman_shrugging:t2:

You can add a poll name in if there’s not one already, and that will reset it. :+1: (or allow you to make edits, but it will 0 out the votes)

[poll name="Derek" type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]

If there’s one in there already you can just change it to something else, and that works. :slightly_smiling_face:

You could also add a small ‘I voted by accident :woman_facepalming:’ option too, like the Tester and PotW polls, if you fancied?

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Didn’t have a name before, does now and alternative added for any future oopses. Thanks @Ian_Chimp .

@Purring-Pussy if you could vote again I would appreciate it ever so much!


Thank you @Peitho and @Ian_Chimp :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Just had a little browse and saw this for half price (£13.50):

Or if that’s too much from a cold start, you could warm up with this cheeky chappy first :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is absolutely worth it. In fact, we can’t find our copy after we moved house so we may have to get another!
Quite love the sexy board games to be honest.


Saturday 3rd July
:star2: Deal of the Day :star2:

Lovehoney Flash 7 Function Rechargeable Clitoral Vibrator
£30 £15 (50% off)

Batteries Required: None

I own it and…
  • I recommend it :+1:
  • I am not a fan :-1:
  • I voted by accident :woman_facepalming:t2:
0 voters

Sunday 4th July
:star2: Deal of the Day :star2:

Lovehoney Best Night Ever Couple’s Sex Toy Kit (5 Piece)
£40 £20 (50% off)

Batteries Required: 2 x AAA

I own it and…
  • I recommend it :+1:
  • I am not a fan :-1:
  • I voted by accident :woman_facepalming:t2:
0 voters

Monday 5th July
:star2: Deal of the Day :star2:

Lovehoney Rabbit Rocker 10 Function Remote Control Vibrating Cock Ring
£35 £17.50 (50% off)

Batteries Required: The bullet takes 3 x LR44 batteries and the remote takes 1 x CR2032 battery, both of which are included.

I own it and…
  • I recommend it :+1:
  • I am not a fan :-1:
  • I voted by accident :woman_facepalming:t2:
0 voters

Interesting - When I looked earlier it was a different product and listed as DotD but without a discount price :thinking:. Thanks for sorting for us all @Ian_Chimp :+1:


I was thinking the same thing! At least we can count on @Ian_Chimp to get things in order :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::heart:

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Ha. :slightly_smiling_face: Let’s not get giddy. I just copy them from the website when they’re ready. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you see one without a discount it’s normally because it’s flarked, and when they spot it and sort it out it can be a different item instead. :+1:


Tuesday 6th July
:star2: Deal of the Day :star2:

Lovehoney Pleasure Probe 10 Function Vibrating Prostate Massager
£20 £12 (40% off)

Batteries Required: 1 x AAA (not included)

I own it and…
  • I recommend it :+1:
  • I am not a fan :-1:
  • I voted by accident :woman_facepalming:t2:
0 voters