Vixen Mustang, next step up for anal play

Hi all,

My wife and I enjoy anal play. We’ve tried playing with Vixskin Mustang dildo and the thickness is great as a starting point for anal play. We were looking for the next step up, and being fans of Vixskin we went for what seemed the next step up of available dildos of that brand at lovehoney: the Maverick. This for now feels a bit too large and feels a bit painful to use.

Van anyone give me some ideas of similar feel dildo that is in between Mustang and Maverick.

Thanks all,


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Vixen has quite large range and ther are Vixskin dildos in sizes between maverick and mustang, but sadly lovehoney dont currently sell them so you may have to look elsewhere.
Ive got a 5.5inch circumference one that i got onsale from lovehoney, but sadly they dont seem to stock it anymore as its such a nice dildo.

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Haha sounds like car shopping :joy:
I’d maybe recommend an inflatable plug or dildo that you can use to gradually increase your tolerance to the next step up of vixen.

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Thanks to both of you for your reply.

@AJSTAR thing is, next step up feels like climbing the stairs 3 steps at a time :smiley: , will look into your suggestion.

Many thanks,


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Could you provide me with the name of that model? It sounds just right.


Sadly cant name things on here if lovehoney dont sell them. if you google vixen vixskin you should find them.

If you think Lovehoney should stock it, you should place a link in the Pander topic. :+1:

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They did until recently, but they’ve cut back their range of vixen so maybe it wasnt selling well enough :woman_shrugging:

If you purchased it from Lovehoney you are free to mention it here. If you tell me what it is, I’ll see if I can dig out an old product page.

Found the old page @Mac

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Haha sounds like a mega bum step so yes something like an inflatable plug or dildo will help loads and give you the easy of control as you slowly train to up your size tolerance :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks all :slight_smile: