What are YOU contemplating purchasing next?

Same, I’m contemplating it even though I really don’t need another wand either :sweat_smile:

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@CurvyJilly and @Boogaloo seem to have enjoyed it :wink:

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Or this…


Order both @lulubee and send one back? That way you go over £40 and get free delivery! Both look lovely :heart_eyes:


Oh that’s so clever!

:joy: I thought that was totally normal @Cali_Nyx! But, since i know it’s likely that one won’t fit, it seems sensible to order a few things, save on postage and send back anything that doesn’t fit. Plus I’m very keen to save money wherever possible!


Genius! :raised_hands:t2::clap:t2:
Though I’d probably end up keeping both :see_no_evil:


A red bodystocking.


An Anal hook. Yet another I didn’t think I needed until I saw a forum post on here​:rofl:

I love my Lovehoney wand amazing any recommendations for wands

@Cali_Nyx recommended the doxy one, she can’t sing it’s praises enough! Mines arriving tomorrow so I’ll let you know by Sunday what I think!

Thanks how are you have you any wands

@Blonde_Bunny will agree with me :laughing:

Doxy lovers
  • Worth it’s weight in gold
  • Like Doxy but not my favourite
  • Can’t get on with it

0 voters

Oriel rocks off gets my vote then!

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It’s true! I now have 6 Doxy Wands I love them that much. I use atleast one of them daily, sometimes multiple times :sweat_drops::joy::sweat_smile:

I also have the Oriel and it sits permanently by the side of my bath for shower and tub fun - definitely an amazing little wand :ok_hand:t2::joy::bath:


I thought I had left my Oriel in the hotel the other night and I didn’t nearly cry :cry:

:joy: :joy:

@CurvyJilly, how bendy is the desire wand’s neck :thinking: I’m looking to get it but when the neck of a wand is too bendy it makes it impossible for me to use as I need a fair amount of pressure :sweat_smile:

I think I need a cute little bralette set…

The word I’d use is slightly bendy @rosiedosie or slightly flexible…it’s firm.

Sorry if that’s not much help.

So not super flaccid then :thinking: :sweat_smile: It allows for decent pressure? In my head I’m comparing my doxy vs LH mini and the doxy I’d say is incredibly inflexible (which I like) vs the mini is too flexible :sweat_smile: