What are YOU contemplating purchasing next?

Nope I haven’t purchased it yet. Funds have been tight recently. I do still really want it but just can’t afford to purchase it yet.

Hi many thanks for the information judt read the review and it look avery impresive toy.

Are you contemplating purchading one?

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Hi thanks for getting back i have read tbe review it looks a very good toy i see its reduced to 27 pounds sounds like a good purchase do u own any wands i have the love honey just need to have domething else

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Yer same, I only own the love honey wand

They are great do you fancy the other one then

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I’m contemplating this:

We’ve tried some Lovense stuff before and we really enjoyed it; I think I’m liking the idea of the open-ended nature; whether it might be good for some frottage fun with the MR; It’s just a little pricey at the moment so maybe if there’s a sale soon, I might grab it.

I was but the review actually put me off :rofl:. I see from the other thread you’ve gone for it. You really can’t go very wrong at that price!

Why was uou put off

It’s probably amazing but I like really deep rumbly vibrations and the review indicated buzzy for a plug in… this might well be because the reviewer was anticipating wand like rumbles but it put me off. I will be very interested to hear your and others views on the forum.

Waiting in anticipation yes will let you know how i get off pardon the pun

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Just order this for my next WFH get up


I am really tempted by one of the CX cages but picking the right size is pretty confusing for me. The size added on from the rings doesn’t seem to be accounted for but I’ve generally found it does impact what size is best. Hmm. More contemplating required!

This for OH she isn’t a massive fan of phallic toys she would rather have skin inside her pussy so she may like this in her who knows

So it has about 3 different inflatable levels with the biggest being about 5-6” circumference. Each mode has two options where it can do a cycle of inflate and deflate on repeat, or it can stay at its inflated size.

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I’m looking to get a suction dildo for myself to use. Want something that stays in place well during a session. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated

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Have you browsed the sale items @KentCouple1990 I have bought two but not checked them out yet. Massive reductions on both of them…maybe worth a try?

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I’ve just purchased one for £9 which is super happy about. Also treated myself to a new pair of boxers too :rofl:
Hope you enjoy the ones you ordered!

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Hi took delivery of my new wand on sat will do a review soon

Did you ever get round to ordering bam, that thing looks scary :grimacing:

Keep fingers crossed and maybe see if you have some discount codes or points you can use to get money off :smiley:

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