What cheered me up recently

@SexInTheCity thank you lovely!!

Yay for you Sprinkles!
Have you tied the knot yet?

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Congrats @VanillaWithSprinkles

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Haha @Melody1 long distance has meant I’ve shared some photos of my knots but he’s knot seen them in person yet.

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In January, very much this!
Stunning views, gorgeous sunrises and sunsets and animals :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Gorgeous photos - did you take them yourself?!

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Thank you, yes, my horse’s nose in the snow last weekend with a bit of a snow muzzle (he is actually sporting some Lovehoney attire though you can’t quite see it), below that the view from behind his ears taken with phone looking out across one of the hay fields - at that time a lake! (Rather pleased with that photo.) Bottom left, one of the sheep smiling beautifully for the camera when we had a bit of Sun. On the right, sunrise over the horse fields turning out in the morning and sunset checking the sheep. Bottom right, artsy shot not last weekend but when we first had just a little sprinkling of snow a couple of weeks back.

Makes me appreciate hugely that I’m lucky enough to have lots of outside space to roam in!

…also, I love photography!


Gosh, they look so professional, I thought you’d found them online to start with! Absolutely amazing :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


What has definitely cheered me up recently is @SexInTheCity thinking my photos are professional! :grin:


Just a suggestion, next time maybe post each pic separately so we can see them in greater detail! They are brilliant!

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So the ‘lake’ is really a field! amazing, lovely photos
… and I remember previously you said your horse had some Lovehoney ‘attire’, probably best not to post to the lingerie uploads though :grin:

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Yep, swimming (on horseback depth by the tree a week before this!)

No, I don’t think I will… technically more bondage equipment than lingerie so perhaps the toy box? :rofl: (Joke!)

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The arrival of a book I’d been waiting for. I placed the order about three weeks ago with a place in the States as it had been difficult to source. Although startled when a big THUD shattered my silent isolation this morning, puzzled concern was replaced with excitement as guessed what it would and hurried downstairs to check it out.


@afrodan saying he’ll do the food shop later so I don’t have to go outside. :heartpulse:


Enjoy it @Melody1

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Grrrrr :rage: you’ll have to make it up to me


Discovering a new route on my lunchtime walk.
Like many of us coping with lockdown, I’ve been out walking during lunchtimes to break free from the isolation of the house. In the process, I’ve explored footpaths and countryside I had only ever whizzed past in the car. Today I found a new track to investigate which added excitement to a grey day. I’m not sure I was strictly ‘allowed’ to venture along it but “Hey, I’m a tester” we are meant to push boundaries to see what happens and I wasn’t charged by a bull, bit by a dog or left picking shotgun pelletts out of my ass, so it’s all good :slight_smile:


I totally agree, last year during lockdown we walked around the back streets locally, places i’d not walked around since i was a kid, a lot had changed, but some things hadn’t, triggering lots of memories. Then there was the canal walks and local nature reserve. Things you never see from a car!


I was living in Sheffield during Lockdown 1, when the days were warmer and longer, and did the same, going around places I knew as a kid, including a seven mile, seven schools run.
Somebody slap me: I think I just got sentimental and reminisced about a lockdown! could it be that it was all so simple then? :musical_note:


I am 57 and only lived away from the estate of my birth for 8 years! So going back round all the old haunts was very nostalgic!