A lot of members have been automatically banned for a month from a local Facebook group i’m a member of for discussing local delicacy called Faggots, despite the use of the word not being used in an offensive or derogatory context. It’s all down to the algorithm.
Cooking…preparing and eating a full roast dinner with a special friend…first one in 5 weeks.
Walked down the beach for a bit of sun. Its freezing in the wind then baking out of it. make up your mind weather
@WillC oh man, theyr the best food. Amazing with onion gravy and mash wish they where easier to get here.
Yes, i like them, I guess they’re our version of haggis!
Did someone say they’re offal?
Got me hankering for a haggis supper now, @WillC
I’m not a fan of offal, but faggots are offally nice!
Nothing in particular, but it’s just nice to feel genuinely happy! I’ve suffered from anxiety & depression since I was 13 (now 36) - I’ve been doing online based CBT & trying out new meds recently which have worked wonders. So I’m feeling really cheerful about life in general at the minute!
Yay, it’s great to feel happy for no real apparent reason. Enjoy the moment
Painting inside my girlfriends house, she’s really pleased with the results so far
My best friend’s work promotion. The best thing to happen for her and for our workplace. So so proud.
France winning the grand slam in the 6 nations. It’s good for rugby as a brand when the French are on fire, just so darn good to watch. chefs kiss
Seeing @Gosig posting has definitely made me smile today.
Those little beauties always remind me of Tom Stade‘s ‘meat van guy’ routine . If you’ve not seen this it’s well worth a watch!
Oh bless, much warmth and good wishes to you too m’lady.
Had a short break in the weather yesterday and was able to take my big street bike out for a run and visit several friends . Even dodging the “less skilled” auto drivers I really enjoyed the sun and mostly dry pavement . I actually had to take the liner out of my jacket half way through my ride , it got up to 68F / 20C ! Also there is a collector motorcycle I have been looking for for many years and a fellow on “my” motorcycle site contacted me and it looks like I will be taking a 400 mile trip to buy it in the next several days .
Wow @Oldman sounds awesome.
Hope you get it.
One of my favourite smells 2 stroke engine oil…
Bet you’re excited…after wanting that particular one for years.
Good Luck.
This one is a vintage trials bike . I have only found a handful over the last 5 years and some were pretty bad shape . They must have been family heirlooms or famous in some way because the price was way too high . Many older adventure riders use them for great low speed workouts and hone their skills for when we are on our bigger adventure motorcycles . Not to mention super fun and much better than going to a gym !
Me too. They’re out everywhere down here