Been a convert since Word 2.0
When Excel brings me down, Word cheers me back up
Laughing to myself walking past a car showroom, number plate reading BJ69
It’s a beautiful , beautiful day
The fact that’s it’s FriYAY
Failed my theory test. But I don’t care as I booked myself in to get two tattoos. Am very excited. it doesn’t hurt to much as I’ve never had one before.
You’ll be fine @littlespoons
You WANT them so it’s a different sort of pain…
Book another theory…you’ll get there.
Depends on where you get them! Fleshier parts of your body tend to hurt less, I have a few large ones & I think the most painful was around my ankle (particularly the front!) that definitely made my eyes sting a little, haha. But it’s worth it!! Just don’t take any painkillers beforehand as you’ll bleed loads.
Thanks @CurvyJilly booked another one as soon as I left . I get what you mean. It’s like the gym it hurts but it’s good. Thanks for the tip @lulubee i can’t wait wanted a tattoo for years
Amazing moon tonight. Worth sticking your head out the window for. Definetly bright enough to go walking by
It was amazing! Saw it rising and it looked huge half above the horizon earlier and just a little later above it. Truly incredible!
It looks beautiful here too, really bright full moon.
Taking a four mile moonlit walk to the pub under the Van Gough sky
Looking forward to meandering home
My energy provider telling me i have free electric between 2 and 3 this afternoon.
Sorry planet, I’ve been so cold, so many times this winter, all the heating is going on.
Its official, LH friends have become “real” friends. I went to sleep after reading that @Melody1 was walking home after the pub. Woke up to read @Melody1 was home safe. This makes me happy (over protective Welsh Mama).
Aw, thanks “mum”
Just remembered my electricity is sourced primarily from renewables and the sun is shining bright. Guilt free heat - it was glorious.
My boyfriend’s family taking me under their wing as my parents are miles away so having them here being so lovely is just such a comfort and i know he’ll be happy looking down knowing that we are all there for each other
I’m so glad things are getting better for you @Alyssa_2.0, very best wishes @ hugs
I love when my computer or phone does not want me to use a word I know to be correct or a moderator that cancels a word that applies to whatever given site I am at . In the last year or two it has gotten worse due to a perceived offensive word , even when that is the name used by a group .
What made me happy was getting a good 6.5 hours of restful sleep !