Chatting with my friend…opening old wounds together and helping each other heal…
True friends that can talk about anything and everything.
Chatting with my friend…opening old wounds together and helping each other heal…
True friends that can talk about anything and everything.
Wounds leave scars, the scars heal. But the memories of the initial injuries make us survivors and help us to help ourselves and others.
Anybody that knows my situation with my wife’s inactivity knows my DIY sex life . Yesterday I got a LH order and she had shown me one of her vibrators ( also LH ) . Anyway I asked about it and told her about my latest purchase and we also talked at some length about porn , we both use the one with Hub in the name . What kind we look at and turn offs . Then we had a bit of show and tell of sex toys . She does not wish me to see her naked ( she has gained much weight and physically gone downhill for the last 10 years ) . It was not until several months ago that I found out she does masterbate . I suggested when she wished to let me know and I will preform things of her choosing solo while she watches using FaceTime . She thought that sounded good . So I am pretty stoked to have a little hope in the sex department .
@Oldman after all your comments on here, I am happy to read one that sound promising for you. I hope you get what you wish for.
finally orgasming from the Romp X. Took some practice but omg
I’ve been offered a job. Part time, flexible, working for someone I love working for who is moving on from where I’m currently temping. Can still do other work, even though this is a permanent position. Decent money (proving he meant it I think). So I accepted. Starts next month (when my current temp assignment finishes).
That’s great @Oldman, that’s very encouraging
That’s great @KinkyMira
A 3 hour catch up with my friend, good company and conversation, time flew and i didn’t want it to end
Sounded nice @WillC
For me it’s the simple things. Getting a few nice comments on things i have done or just a smile from a strange goes a long way.
Also took some great pictures of myself which has made me happy too
A week off work
Any plans? Oh and I hope you enjoyed the BBL finals the other day
Brazilian Butt Lift finals?!
now that’s something I would watch lol British Basketball League.
Yesterday at grocery store I talked to two lady that looked a little sad and was able to get them to talking and made both come alive and smile . Also got them to laugh a little . Told both of them my favorite saying "if you do not make people smile or laugh , you are just wasting air " . Everybody likes my phrase . Makes me happy to cheer people up . Lets face it everybody can really use some cheering up these days .
Definitely, i always try to make people smile or laugh by cracking jokes, or being witty (you definition of witty may vary!)
But i like to keep things happy and positive wether at home or work.
Finally getting my 50th birthday present for me sen!!!
The V750 from dvla arrived yesterday so i was able to get my personal plate for my bike made this morning
Talking to 2 families that saw me out walking with my cat. They asked if they could stroke her and the kids were made up
Well……I was searching the house for chocolate. Finished the bag and found out the missus bought it for her. It was worth the grief