Am I correct in thinking you got a Moto Guzzi ? What model ? They are not too common where I live in the northwestern US . I did rescue a fellow on a vintage one in the early 80s and was able to fix an oil leak and I even had oil to fill it enough to enable him to get back on the road . I have never ridden one and always wanted to . Hopefully today I will get out for a ride today , it is the adventure bike’s turn . My vintage trials bike will not get it’s clutch plates until near the end of June . Happy birthday and riding !
As I was on the road earlier I saw a sign saying BIG JUICY BAPS, I did a u turn and stopped at the sign and in small print underneath it said, Home made sandwiches. I was so disappointed but for a split second my eyes lit up when I saw it
I always smile at “Soft white baps” at work!
@Oldman my “guzzi” is a honda Africa twin that is getting the personal plate,just need to find one that matches my harley now
Moto guzzi’s aren’t as common as you’d think over this side o’ the pond,that’s not to say they aren’t around and there are owner’s clubs etc etc,but they seem to attract attention when spotted and I’ve always fancied a go on one. Have a safe ride if you get out today
I know this shouldn’t make me chuckle but my inner child couldn’t help it, my youngest granddaughter (2 1/2yrs old) has just randomly blurted out “finger pie,finger pie”
I had to run into the kitchen
Mrs Pootle couldn’t see what was so funny and asked what it meant, i said I’d show her tonight and she said ok
Me thinks as soon as she realises what it means she won’t be so willing but
Hey, Do people still come to your house for a spray tan since covid or do you have to go somewhere now.
I use to like seeing the “best baps” shops we had one in our village a few years ago it’s now a dog grooming place.
He’s taking me out for the day Sunday. I have absolutely no idea where he’s taking me but I’m sure it’ll be a good day
I gat 3 interviews!
Well done @elcoh
Shopping was quite cross making this morning but british asparagus and cherries on the market cheered me up
My mistake , have never heard of the African Twin called that . On a side note I did have three V-45 Sabres along with one V-65 Sabre and was super disappointed when the came out with the ST 1100 when they turned the engine the “wrong” way . It was too wide for my bad hip to use highway pegs . In my younger days when the African Twin was not available here I wanted one pretty bad , now being a broke down old man just too heavy for me to adventure ride .
Was in hysterics this morning…i had a few vods last night, and in the early hours my OH had to get up cos she had indigestion, she told me that when she came back, she startled me and i awoke, sat up and crossed my fists across my chest like Wolverine! I didn’t wake fully and just dropped back down! Good job she adores Hugh Jackman!
It’s my birthday today.
Kinda bummed; tough to be back from a lovely vacation and straight back into work and parenting and real life. I had an interview for a new job I was very excited about, and I don’t feel like it went awesome, and I’ve been under the weather, so just not feeling like much celebration is in order.
But I’m trying to lean into having a nice day with the whole family even though I’d rather be back on the beach with just wifey. So I guess this is more of a hopeful, preemptive what cheered me up.
Our kids actually behaved all day!! It’s a miracle lol
Buying presents for my girlfriend.
After a couple of days achieving little (in my mind anyway!) I redeemed me sen by cutting the lawns,trimming a very overgrown hedge and heavily pruning the neighbours tree as a lot of it hangs over our garden (and makes a bloody mess if I’m honest) all done before tea (which was steak so of course i asked about the ‘other bit’ which was met with a frown) so sat with a can of cold cider ont patio listening to a ww2 dakota circle the town before landing at the local airfield, happy days
@Oldman those sabres were the muscle bike of the era, i think i know the reason for your confusion (please correct me if I’m wrong) the v750 is the official document required from our licensing agency (dvla) to be able to put a different registration number on an already registered vehicle over here.
And by st1100 do you mean the Pan European?
Ah ha , yes the V750 threw me . As the only bike I ever knew designated V750 was the Ducati . And you are correct , over here the ST 1100 ( and later ST1300 ) is called the Pan European over there .
Hubby’s taking me to see Bryan Adams