My period turned up (5 weeks late) annnnnnd my Womanizer is on the way
Why @Dirty-Wife ? What did you do wrong ?
Have a good time. I love live music.
Nice to get back to concerts after the last few years.
I just received a phone call to update me about my new power chair that I ordered over 3 months ago saying it’s now aspected to be here by mid June. They said mid to late May back in February but not hearing anything from them was driving me nuts.
The phone call has lifted my spirits a little and hopefully in 2 or 3 weeks I’ll have the dam thing lol.
Fingers crossed @David1986H, I hope everything goes well
Just booked my hotel for my night out with my colleagues in London this Thursday. Can’t wait for a fair few drinks and a good old catch up.
Linking to the exact same thing at the exact same time as @SexInTheCity - made me giggle!
Fingers crossed that the interview went better than you thought
I hope your interview went well @LRLRL, fingers crossed
a phone call from my sister
a gift pack of variety teas and a get well card from work
Well it seems my wife had more fun than me when I was away. She ordered two new vibrators and put them to the test that night. Lovely to hear shes not missing me
Grandads 87th birthday today, first time my whole family have been together for years was a decent day for my grandad and all his great grandchildren who some have never even met and all the kids got along amazingly, only 13 more years for that letter from the queen… well most likely the king by then!
Spring, greeness, everything growing and springing into life. The birds and the bees. You can’t help but smile.
Lovely pics @Peitho Spring is my favourite, I love all the newness
We got all our new stuff from LH yesterday, outfit tried on, just need to use the now charged mini wand, turned it on is nice and silent and so many different settings to it feels like it will be interesting can’t wait to review them all!
Going away again next week for three days so thinking of all the outfits/toys I can take with me to make the most of the hotel.
Using my ps5 USB’s to charge up one of my sex toys. Best of both worlds
Sunny bank holidays
Finding some old erotic audio roleplays I used to listen to that I completely forgot had moved from Tumblr to Patreon (in the great purging of Tumblr) and then turned into podcasts. Looking forward to revisting tonight.
Getting positive feedback on the first fanfic I’ve written in years