Same, went for a walk up hill, looked so close I thought I could touch it
We were coming back from his sisters last night, when we see the most biggest and brightest rainbow against the blackest cloud, and the sun setting on the other side. It was just beautiful.
After working till midnight on Friday I have a full week off my first full week since Christmas
Enjoy your week off @Amunique
thank you @FunSam92 ,I hope you’re having a good weekend
Thanks @Amunique a nice laidback one which has been needed after a busy few weeks x
Watching a fantastic British Grand Prix!
We had our first Sunday at the church we are going to be married in to have our banns read, we took the kids too, we actual enjoyed it we aren’t religious but it was really nice and then went on a lovely family walk after and then took the family and Laura’s family out for dinner at where our wedding reception will be held for Laura’s mums birthday! All in all a lovely day in the sun and we got home just before it started to rain!
A day punting and picnicking on the river celebrating Mum’s Birthday
Very true and thankfully it made it through moderation. Bottoms up
Only 31 days until we go away
A Hump Day Quiz back again!
Seeing the physio
You guys on here. Thank you really needed it
Seeing Rocky Horror. First time I’ve seen it live and it was fantastic!
Then getting home and playing the scratch cards I’d bought (I cash in some winners and buy more) to find I’ve won the maximum £500 on one! Sweet!
Well done! Seen Rocky Horror live a fair few times, always had a fab time!
The weather right now, absolutely glorious and boiling hot
I finally managaed to soothe my overthinking demons and then had a really great walk this morning and even managed to run a little.
I suspect I know what’s cheered us all up today