It would be interesting to know of those who use Contraception which is the popular choice. We have used condoms in the past, but now use the withdrawal method.
Had the snipp a long time ago
Mirena Coil
Husband had the snip 2 years ago and it was the best thing for us. We had two kiddies and were just using either withdrawal or condoms as the hormones from pill etc didnt agree with me. The snip has been the most amazing thing for our sex life!
After much deliberation Mrs Chimp chose early menopause. 🙂
Edit: Actually, that's a bit glib. We still use condoms at the minute as she's technically still perimenopausal, and we want to be extra careful. I think the HRT she's using masks her true fertility as well, so condoms remove some of that guesswork. 👍
Was on the implant for about 13 years but now I'm happily sterilised with Filshie Clips. 😊
Provera Depo jab once we'd finished having kids, condoms before that. Then I started to get menopausal symptoms and blood tests showed that was well underway. I stopped the jabs, had one last period at 42 and that was it. We still used condons for a couple of years, just to be sure.
The pill suits us fine
OH has the coil
Hubby had the snip at 30. So bare for us. 🙂
Copper coil here. Turned into Godzilla one week in every four after having my daughter on the pill I was on previously so had to change.
Pill then switched to condoms before planned pregnancy.
Got the snip 3 weeks ago, have two wee ones and we're happy with that. Was condoms went we weren't trying to get pregnant.
Copper coil here, best thing ever. Can't use anything hormone based as it makes me so ill.
Condoms. But Mr John is waiting on his vasectomy appointment. Cant come soon enough. We both cant wait to be able to just go for it without the faf.
Mirena coil for years, then hysterectomy for medical reasons. Am now experiencing all the joys of menopause but at least there's no contraceptive worries to add to it !
Just condoms
Gosig wrote:
Copper coil here. Turned into Godzilla one week in every four after having my daughter on the pill I was on previously so had to change.
I could never tolerate any kind of pill - migraines.
HRT is fine but it took a while to find the right kind so just thought I'd pop this here for anyone considering it:
In terms of what GPs mostly offer, the estrogen component is always the same, in varying strengths, but there are different kinds of progesterone. Anything containing Norethisterone (the cheapest and most common type) turns me into an irritable, angry, book-throwing cow.
There are other preparations like Femiston or Indivina which have a kinder type (kinder to others, as well as oneself)...
There is a website called menopausematters which has great info for anyone looking at this as an option. I know it isn't contraception - the title of the thread - but lots of women choose HRT when they are perimenopausal and still intermittently fertile so I thought it worth a mention.
Just a thought :-)
We currently use a mixture of condoms and the Natural Cycles fertility app. Condoms on the Red days where she could get pregnant and nothing on the Green days when she's all clear. She has a bad reaction to hormonal contraceptives and hates the idea of the copper coil. But thankfully we are done having kids so when I get round to it I'm getting a vasectomy. So in a few months we can be condom free after 13 years.
Vasectomy 38 years ago.