What do you wish you'd known sooner?

Hey All!

I’ve got a question for you! :thinking:

What do you wish you were taught about in Sex Education?



Anything. I didn’t have any at school that I remember.

I think practical things would be good, different types of sex, consent, different contraceptive options… it’s not going to stop kids having sex, but would hopefully give them more information about how/where to get help etc.


I wish I’d learned more about sexual identities and the prevalence of kinks. It’s not appropriate at the very early stages, but knowing that it was “normal” to have different ideas would have been reassuring and useful as a teen.


Fantastic question @Lovehoney_Brenna
I think much more than the basics. I was very lucky as my mum was really open but I know most of my friends knew nothing.
I’m really open with my eldest aswell. He has openly said that it’s fab to be able to have his questions answered. His girlfriend and some of his friends have told him I’m the cool mum because he can ask what he wants.
They as well as us when we were younger need to learn about the emotional attachments of sex. They need to know that’s its OK to masturbate and experiment with their bodies, that kinks and fetishes are ok, that porn isn’t a true representation of most real sex lives. They need to learn about consent against perceived consent aswell. I could go on and on as its something I’m so so passionate about. I would love to be a sex educator. Its so important to teach. I’ve just started watching the sex clinic (I’m sure I spotted a couple of LH dildos on there!) and the attitudes of the kids on their is scary.


This is exactly my wish too… I just thought I was weird, but when I got to Uni - i found a whole website dedicated to my main fetish, and that helped made me feel normal :slight_smile:


Mainly that it is ok to experiment and that there are no real boundaries as long as it’s consensual.
It’s too easy to teach generic “swim lanes” regarding sex but there is so much more to it than this.


It’s been widely covered with my now teen and I think that is great.
I didn’t even realise til later life that I had been taken advantage of within relationships.
I’m glad things are changing.


Decades later I’ve started to accept that I have particular passions that are actually quite normal. I have about 20 close friends that know I dress up and most have seen pictures too.

My closest confidante is my older step-sister who has been my absolute rock despite a very embarrassing confession about my early years. She’s forgiven me for borrowing her things and has now helped with deliveries and fashion advice.


A simple one, everyone is different and that’s OK!


Female Ejaculation - Squirting.

That it’s actually extremely common and most definitely involuntary. You’re not broken that you soak the bed and you’re also not broken if you don’t.

Damn, my first gushing experiences caught me off guard and I had no clue what had happened. Praise be for the Lovehoney forum and porn to educate me. :woman_facepalming:t3::sweat_smile:


My school system actually did a decent job - we had it one term every year for 4 years, but I think different gender/sexual identities, non-hetero sex, and different relationship types should have been covered, as well as maybe some toy info :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Again, after 4 years we learned a lot, and thankfully I am from a more liberal area, but there’s always more to learn :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Lovehoney_Brenna - great question. I wish giving / receiving pleasure is a normal topic. It’s a taboo subject and a brief overview would have been handy


A hell of a lot more in general is my honest answer.

Top of the list for me would be female pleasure/desire. It wasn’t even mentioned. It was as though masturbation didn’t exist for females.

The boys has a lesson on male masturbation and the girls were just given a talk on periods! It was as though masturbation or orgasms weren’t necessary for females!

The sex education lessons consisted mainly of how to avoid pregnancy and STI’s. No mention of same sex relationships or talking about any kind of sexual experimentation.

I hope sex education has moved on these days.


I wish infertility was brought up while I had sex education in school. I started my period at 11 years old and it was never regular. I would only have one once a year and my mum always said that it was normal for it to be irregular at my age. At age 15, I was talking to my friends and they all had gotten theirs 2 years after me when they were 13 and they both said they were super regular so this got me thinking about it. I went to the doctor and turns out I have pcos and because of my weight, I wasn’t getting them naturally. I’ve been on medication for it since I was 17 and my life is a lot better. I keep having to go to the doctors every 6 months to get checked out and now I have to get tests done every 3 years. I was never told that pcos or infertility was even a thing, I just thought everyone could have babies. I just wish I was taught about it and that they need to talk about this in schools as I went 4 years not knowing what was wrong with me.


Honestly same, i never really had any sex education either. All i had at school was writing down words we associated with sex and the purely biological stuff learned in science. My parents haven’t done it either, i think they just don’t want to until they have to (ie when i actually bring home a partner). Virtually everything i know about sex comes from fanfiction which probably isn’t always the best source (though it’s surprisingly well researched and accurate in some cases)


Types of sexuality for me.
(ie demisexual, pan, bi etc)
We did nothing about that, and it would have saved me years of research and soul seeking if they had. I feel quite let down actually.


Sex education seemed to be mostly focused on sexual functions and safe sex. I don’t remember there being much about pleasure and communication during sex or when using sex toys.
Maybe learning that in high school would be inappropriate, but not really knowing the basics of how to give and receive pleasure can be really damaging to a persons confidence.
Lots of people I’m sure are left either guessing what to do, trying to replicate what they see in porn or what they’ve heard from “bragging friends”.


Sex education! In a Roman Catholic all boys’ school in late 60s, early 70s? I wish there was some way to accurately convey manic laughter in words!

Not a chance in hell - because that’s where you’ll end up talking about that! Another lie but a different topic.


Long time since my school days, Consent and respect for each other are two of the most important things.


Female anatomy and the parts that actually provide pleasure. What I got was: mean are bad & sex = STDs