What does the Forum mean to you?

I've only been on here about 6 minutes and I think I may still be trying to find my feet with it all, but I'm interested to know what other members think of their forum experiences so far? With some people having been on here for a number of years and some only a number of days I'm sure there's going to be a myriad of stories to share, so...

When has the forum been the most useful/interesting/comforting/etc to you?

Hey Mr Chimp :-) I always see your name around, and appreciate all of your posts.

I love that this forum is a bit of an escape for me. I love seeing what other people have to say and seeing everyones opinions on things. Everyone is so different and it has opened my eyes so much.

Like you, i've only been around for a short while but I love how already I feel so close to so many of the people on here.

I'm not sure I've framed the question brilliantly, but between that and the title I'm hoping people get the gist. 🙂

MrandMrs_L wrote:

Hey Mr Chimp :-) I always see your name around, and appreciate all of your posts.

Why, thank you. I'm a bit of a spammer so it's nice to hear at least some of it is interesting to someone. 🙂

One of the main things I find useful/eye opening is the threads about things I've never considered doing before. I'm still quite vanilla in my tastes but I enjoy reading about how people have gone about exploring the different things they're interested in. A lot of the stuff that I felt was once an 'are freaking kidding me!?' is now 'hmm, I'm not sure myself but I wish you the best of luck'. And I love following people's progress with their new discoveries too. The successes certainly make me re-consider trying new things. 🙂

And I really enjoy contributing where I can (though it's somewhat limited to fetching a guide, or fixing paragraphs, and maybe the odd effusive post about a great deal/toy I've found 🙂). I do like feeling helpful though.

Having come back to LH after a couple of years, I was intriqued by these forums. Impressed by the friendliness and helpful nature of people on here. Like you, I have enjoyed browsing various topics, topics which, as you comment, probably had never occured to you or been part of your sexual fun.

I like that there are other topics outside the range of your body and what you like to do with it or with other bodies. Gives you something else to chat about.

I quickly found or was given ideas to help what I wanted to know.

I'm sure there are many members who are or have been major contributors to the various threads. But I do not feel intimidated to join in their conversations.

I like that you can sit there, glass of something in one hand and use the other to say something. Helps when you're feeling horny as well.

I find the Forum a real inspiration, the people are great, very supportive & kind, I realised quite quickly I’m very naive when it comes to sex positions/toys etc. Many thanks.

I was thinking about this the other day. I came to the forum during a period of upheaval and I guess I just wanted to connect with people. I like Lovehoney's sex and body positive messages on the blog, and I like that they're based in the Westcountry where I have family. They were looking for student bloggers and I had started getting keen on blogging. Everything felt like the right time.

I don't interact much with other forum members (mainly because I don't like posting more than once on each thread - it's a weird habit I can't explain though I have managed to shake it off for five threads) but I like to comment. I feel like I'm not as involved in the forum as I used to be, but I still have an affection for it so that's why I loiter.

I became active in the forum in 2013, and made some good online buds, had a lot of general chat and fun times, I look back fondly on those times. And ultimately that led to me setting up a blog. Here we are 5 years later and a complete outsider now,my own fault for being less active I spose, but then I have no interest in the games and the popular members usually beat me to giving advice so find I have very little to contribute other than moaning here and there. I still check the forums several times a day and lament the past.

I check in on these forums regularly and comment when I feel is appropriate. I have learnt so much stuff on here. Often googling a lot of things as im not entirely sure what they meant lol.... I do enjoy reading about what other people get up to and if I never read any of it then I honestly dont think I would of tried what myself and my husband have been trying with toys.

The types of threads I have enjoyed or found helpful both from a point of view of contributing, just reading or starting them myself have been sharing experiences (both good and bad and not necessarily completly sex or toy related) e.g. has anyone else tried this, has this happened to anyone else/why do you think this is happening?, and also product recommendations (not really the same thing as reviews) for example i have X toy and love it, anyone know what might be an upgrade/similar? Or I want to try X anyone recommend a good beginner toy? I think these threads bring out how supportove, non-judgmental and helpful the community is. Also although I don't take part much I think the games are great too.

I'm very sad to read forum members have felt intimidated and that there are cliques, it's not something I've been aware of and just want to be clear I'm always happy to hear from anyone and would defend their right to join in on each and any thread they feel they want to.

I often find the forums make me feel quite normal. As in sometimes I'm wondering of my kinks are sometimes a bit much or a bit odd. Then I come here and it's all fairly standard and that's a nice feeling to know you're one of many.

Thanks for starting this Ian, it's a nice, positive question.

But for you, I wouldn't know how to make paragraphs when I'm using my phone (most of the time), make bold words or understand what 'sq' means. I wouldn't have found and bought the little blue squeezy tongue (I still don't get why that was discontinued).

When I first came on here my OH was an FWB, and had just told me he was really into being pegged. That was a bit of a shocker for me, as I'd never been interested in bums - so I asked some questions, found some threads, and suddenly it all felt normal, rather than way out of my zone. Thank you forums!

I like to be helpful and supportive, and I hope I've made some comments that people find useful. People have said thank you, or that's good advice, so I guess I'm doing ok. I do like to listen to people, or rather read on here what turns people on, how people explore and have fun. And it really is the only place I know of where such frank and open discussions happen.

It's also a brilliant business model - get people engaged and talking about their sex lives (how liberating!), build a supportive community, and your customer base is secure. Nice one! I was driving home one night a few weeks ago and heard the founders of Lovehoney being interviewed on Radio 4 - they sounded like really good guys, with a solid sense of their market. Again, nice one.

Yes, the forums are an excellent place to discuss sex and bodies. Alicia4ever - do join in, your experience will be so helpful to others. And you will almost certainly get support for your journey of matching body and mind.

I think that there isn't anything I'd be afraid to ask on here. Or to answer, when people are asking. And I really like that they are moderated, and the team answer questions or give opinions. I could go on - but that's enough for now.

Another thing I like is when a few people get the same toy at the same time (often in one of the DOTD or sale events) and then we all have a little chat about it and compare notes. I think it feels a like a book club. 🙂

I also like it when people give a heads-up on good deals and offers. Tips like that have saved me a fortune on my purchases and allowed my budget to stretch so much further (which has in turn allowed us to try so much more stuff than we could have without them). There's definitely a practical side that comes in really useful.

I’ve been reading the forums for a few months then a couple of weeks ago I decided to join, every one seemed so nice and gave really good advice, it’s such a tight nit community that I wanted to be part of and try and give my opinions and experiences to those who need it

I’m a very open person when it comes to discussing sex with my partner but sometimes she’s a little shy of asking me questions about certain things but this forum is perfect for her to come and browse to find what you wonderful helpful people have advised

Hope to stick around and get to know people better and make some cyber friends, thanksyou all for being so kind and welcoming, just wish I knew about this forum years ago

These are the only forums I visit every day. I love this place because of the positive feel, the non-judgemental attitude, and the genuinely useful help and opinions people offer.

This is the only place I feel comfortable talking about sex and kinks in particular, especially the more disgusting ones. I can talk about things on here that would make my real-life friends squirm.

I'm on 780 posts, and I never thought I'd get anywhere near that many. I do enjoy the have you ever/would you ever/would you rather threads, and I try to offer advice where I can, which I hope some find useful. I also try to give people ideas, as I have so many ideas from here.

This is a rare place to be cherished, and I love being part of it.

Alicia I am so glad you have progressed so far and that you still pop by. Always full of good advice. You certainly helped and supported me in the past xx

The forums for me are a safe haven and a real escape from life. I feel I can be more open and honest on here rather than in real life as people can’t understand a lot of the ways I view sex and relationships. My lad mates are far too concerned on who’s next on their list and female friends can be the same or stressing about one of the lads messing them around, so when I come here it’s a breathe of fresh air. Such a diverse range of people coming together, it’s been amazing over the past 10 years or so.

Raider Nation wrote:

I often find the forums make me feel quite normal. As in sometimes I'm wondering of my kinks are sometimes a bit much or a bit odd. Then I come here and it's all fairly standard and that's a nice feeling to know you're one of many.

+1, couldn’t agree more.

It's nice to be able to talk about "taboo" subjects like sex and masturbation without feeling dirty or embarrassed. It's great to get/give some much needed advice, too.

I also use it for shopping. For example, I bought the Red Hot Flickering Tongue purely from seeing it on the forums all the time and I'm so glad I did!

Hi Alicia thanks for your response, I'm so glad leaded, and not at all surprised, that you received so much support in the past. I'm a real newbie, so I wasn't part of that. It's amazing how long some people have been on here!

I'm not a forum kind of person really, I hardly ever do Facebook, tweet once in a blue moon, but I check in here pretty much every day. I'm in a good place in my life (apart from my crazy illness) so I feel able to offer experience and advice. I feel I could come hee if I needed support.

That was meant to say 'glad to hear'. I really should proof read before posting!