I’m sorry to hear about your condition too . Sorry I forgot to include that in my rambling!
I just ordered this. Can’t wait to try it
The loss/change in sensation effects me as well. I have had MS for over 30 years. Now also suffer with ED so very frustrating. I hope the doctors get to the bottom of the diagnosis as not knowing is always worst.
I really understand what you mean I hope ms hasn’t affected you too badly apart from the sensation problems. not being able to find anything wrong with me should be a good thing but I’m sure you understand it’s not! What’s ed? Neuro did mention fnd if my tests were clear
ED is erectile dysfunction
Ah okay. Another frustrating issue. Thank you
HI, Sorry about not explaining ED, yes @G_and_S are correct its erectile dysfunction, in simple terms not getting erect or losing the effect within seconds. So you can see the frustration. There is light at the end of the tunnel though as speaking to a clinician in December. @RachelW
I can understand how frustrating that is. I’m glad things are moving forward and you are getting some help though.
Enjoy your naughty little penguin!
I’m sure I will
Hi Rachel W
From what I gather from your comments I’m understanding that your experiencing lack of sensitivity in your clit? Did I understand that right? If yes, have you tried involving stimulation of other erogenous zones to possibly boost the pleasure you experience during sex or masturbation? For example, have you tried including stimulation of your nipples, anus or other areas of your body?
Yes. It takes me so long to reach orgasm we give up before. If I do manage it it’s so underwhelming and lasts like a split second. I’ve never been a fan of having nipples or anus being involved either
After reading the messages you’ve said in reply to some excellent suggestions for toys and comments on health. I was wondering if there was a neurological step in your challenge to orgasm.
I had a partner in the past that needed a very high degree of mental stimulation at the same time of intercourse to feel anything remotely satisfying.
My partner at the time had issues climaxing at all. I was reading books on tantric ways to improve your sexual health/interactions and with full body massages combined with deep tissue massage of the leg and pelvic muscles and later internal massages she was able to achieve something far greater than before.
After which with an increased confidence we parted ways she wanted to explore and didn’t want someone who knew her scarily deeply to stay with her as she took the next steps.
I’m not saying this is what you have I’m trying to say if the doctors can’t see a physical cause maybe it’s as simple as looking at yourself via a mirror and masturbating while either you or you partner talk about what you both see and love about your Virgina and clit and together have a massage with talking and relax seeing where it goes.
Happy for you to tell me that’s nonsense and move along chum or chat if it’s insightful. Whichever it is I hope you find a solution and hopefully hit a 5.2 on the O scale.
Thank you. I would never tell anyone it’s nonsense I appreciate all suggestions. I am in alot of medication. Some stop the nerve signals that were causing nerve pain so I have to take those to function. That could be a factor in the loss of sensation/ability to orgasm I will consider your ideas my husband is great but maybe needs to be introduced to being more involved too. So lots to work on. My mum was very much sex etc is a taboo secret subject which made me feel growing up that it was somehow sinful. But I am starting to get over that and enjoy trying things to help. This is just the beginning
I have to say ibwas happy to advise toys that work for me but i used to have prolific problems centred around “getting there” with a partner, namely that I was worried about pulling a stupid fsce or saying something inappropriate. Once my now-husband cottoned on to my deeply hidden love for forced orgasms, well, the rules changed considerably!
I also struggle with muscle cramps, particularly my in my hips and thighs. Actually, it’s almost guaranteed that some deep tissue massage on my hips and tbighs combined with vaginal penetration and slow oral and there is no hilding back!
My vaginal muscles are really tight. I had physio and she said they are over reactive, which makes penetration and smear tests etc painful, so maybe this plays a part in the problem too. I’m glad you’ve found something that works for you
Dilators are an option to help exercise and open those pelvic muscles you can get them on the NHS. The ones I’ve link though are ones designed for Lovehoney in conjunction with an NHS Specialist, use plenty of lube and distractions while you work through them and upward in size. I would suggest hubby practicing his Full Monty routine.
I’m not a dr but it’s starting to sound like you have clitoral/vaginal atrophy where there’s either or and all of the following in play, restrictive blood flow, trapped nerves shortened muscles and localised numbness.
There are many things that cause it but as I said with one of my partners in life. And this is the best news, PRATICE! Practice!, PRACTICE!!! Is the best remedy even if it’s not that (use it or loose it) that’s another story.
Happy to talk.
I do have dilators that I bought myself (NHS recommended ones) but I’ve been abit lazy in using them! I put all symptoms to every specialist I’ve seen, including the gynae, so hopefully they have considered all angles! I’ve only had these sensation issues gradually getting worse since my neurological issues started. Trapped nerves have eliminated. I’ve had the overactive muscles since just before I met my hubby in 1999 though. I have a few numb areas, not just down there unfortunately
My parcel just arrived better clean it and charge it!
I bet you cannot wait to try it. Have lots of fun. Fingers crossed. @RachelW