What is your dream toy?

I absolutely adore sex toys, hence my lovehoney addiction, and I was wondering if anyone has a dream toy in their head that they wish they could have in reality?

It doesn’t have to be anything too out there or creative- it could simply be a certain shape or colour that you haven’t come across or is less common!

I’d personally love some more fantasy themed toys- the more unusual the better! Perhaps a rabbit style vibrator with a tentacle shaped shaft and ears/clit stim? Something to really stand out against the rest of my collection!


I would love my own sexy rose gold and black leather boudoir style dungeon full of all the sex toy and sex equipment available. I do not have a specific toy I want badly as I buy them when I want them.


Hmmmmmmm :thinking: now this is a tough one. I suppose one I would go for is a DP Rabbit vibe to stimulate both holes and give clit stim all at the same time :relaxed: cuz I is greedy like that lol

What would be amazing is if it was a modular system where the different shafts were interchangeable and the base unit (the bit you hold) had the ability to take different sized shafts and attachments :grin: that way you could choose what size you want in each hole too or use a blanking cover if you only wanted vaginal pleasure for instance :joy:

This has got my mind working overtime now lol :joy: xx

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I really enjoy all of the Mantric Range that LH sell the ones I’ve tried so far anyway!. However if someone could create a sex toy that could clean the house and cook dinner for me after I’ve used, now that I would happily chuck my life savings at!


The Cowgirl Premium… just saying :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:


Bought this with a birthday discount code. Best toy I have ever bought!

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The way my life has been recently a lifesize realistic sex doll would probably be a good companion.
I did come up with a design for the sex toy competition but alas it has faded from memory. Perhaps one day it will return, i will make my millions and the people of the world shall call out with glorious orgasm!!!


@anon16818370 I’d absolutely love a dungeon full of matching gear! I’d love how organised it’d look

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@Bex84 I love this idea! It’d be great to find out exactly what is the perfect combination for yourself with something like this! It really would open up a lot of possibilities

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@Forever_his I own one mantric toy and I was really disappointed by it- the vibrations were far too weak for me! I can’t agree more with a toy that would get all your jobs done around the house haha.

@Blonde_Bunny I remember watching a review for this a while ago- it looked amazing! The vibrations look more then perfect, and I guess that’s why it has such a high price tag haha.

@KentCouple1990 The birthday discount is one of the best things about Lovehoney haha. It’s the perfect time to get everything from your wish lists!

@zombifiedguy you’ll have to take note of the ideas that come to you- who knows, you might think of something mind blowing!

I bought a really gorgeous luxurious rose gold and black leather leash and collar recently and it’s a bad boy. As soon as I open the parcel and saw it, I’d fallen in love it’s so sexy looking I could not wait to show it to my husband.

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@BluePup oh 100%, I am so happy with my purchase. Just like the real thing!

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Hmm tough question! As a guy I obviously love fleshlights, but I would like a more advanced one that you can charge and warm up, because the one I have at the moment is really cold when you first enter it!

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Mantrics are some of Mrs Chimp’s favourite toys. :slightly_smiling_face: There’s something about the frequency that just does it for her. :+1: She’s particularly fond of the Mantric Wand and the Mantric Realistic. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@BluePup my genius comes and goes lol. Will hopefully think of some good ideas soon

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@BluePup that’s a shame! I’ve got 4 toys in that range and really enjoy them. I hear a lot of good things re the Desire range too. I hope you find something better next time :slight_smile:

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I have a whole toy box of Mantric toys and they are great - especially to combine with each other (e.g. Mantric Realistic + Mantric Bullet) and to use with OH.

I’ve also got a Desire toybox, and that is my go-to when I want a bit more oomph. The Bullet is my staple and combined with the Steel Weighted Dildo - wow.

The Bullet also fits in the zip bag that the dildo comes with, along with a small bottle of Sliquid Lube - easy to add to a holiday bag.

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