What’s your type?


So let’s see then… What is everybody’s type? Do you even have a type, or do you prefer to just ‘go with the flow’?

For me, I honestly feel like my type changes depending on who I’m with! :grin:

But what about you guys?


Curves, but other than that, just a kind, interesting personality, but MUST love animals!


Don’t know if I have a type. My attitude changes as I get older. Woman in their 20s are stunning but the are sexy once they are over 30 to the way I think now.

I don’t have a type at all with guys, I’ve been attracted to short guys, tall guys, heavy, skinny twigs etc. Personality is the most important thing and biggest draw to me and I find that the more I know or like someone the much more attracted to them I am.

Now with girls I have a thing for masculine or tough women but also with feminine qualities too like gal gadot or ruby rose.

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er, but maybe not that!


Hmmm, curves, breathing, must have a sense of humour, love animals, likes all sorts of food, loves to travel, likes sex. The list could go on but you get the general idea

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Don’t really have a type but O WoW the Goth Look :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:


I’m drawn towards quite masculine looking men. I like shaved heads, tattoos, the biker look and if they happen to wear a uniform for a living then even better!
Intelligence and kindness , great sense of humour , a liking of nature and animals and an interest in music- preferably rock music! :metal:


I can do biker


Working class, with a good moral compass. And woke.

Also if they love to cook, even better.


Preferably one who isn’t into f@cking other girls would be nice. unless I’m there.

But I’d settle for; Funny. Reads a lot. Creative, either in writing or drawing/painting, loves going out and dressing smart as much as wearing joggers at home and watching Netflix/Amazon Prime. Good conversationalist, affectionate. Oh, and nice eyes or smile will always melt me.

Is that too much to ask?


You know what i meant! :wink:

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“But I’d settle for; Funny. Reads a lot. Creative, either in writing or drawing/painting, loves going out and dressing smart as much as wearing joggers at home and watching Netflix/Amazon Prime. Good conversationalist, affectionate. Oh, and nice eyes or smile will always melt me.”

@Blonde_Bunny where do I drop my cv?


Interesting to talk to. Kind. Loves sex and knows how to do it (or at least take guidance). You’d think that would be easy enough to find. Took me well over a decade.


I’m not sure I do have a type that’s fixed in stone.

I remember a teacher at school asked us all to write down our definition of a “perfect woman/man”. Afterwards he made the point that how many of us would come back with a wife/husband that matched that description and a bet none of us would!

Sorry to admit it but I am boobs and bum guy but other than that not too fussed as long as we get on , but that was a long time ago lol my OH won’t let me look for some strange reason :joy: :+1::raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::heart_eyes:

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Geeks, nerds, quiet boys who know their way around technology (means they are good with their hands)!

I never thought I had a type, but I’m always attracted to men you’d class are geeky, love video games and technology, quiet and shy outside but the complete opposite in the bedroom. Likes to have conversation, and doesn’t take himself too seriously and can have a laugh. Would get dressed up for a night out but then would happily chill on the sofa in joggers with pizza/beer and cuddle up to watch Netflix.

The eyes are my deciding point, bright, emotional eyes get me, if they pierce my soul, I’m a sucker. I’ve found guys before who matched my sense of humour and back-chat and damn the conversations flowed so smoothly, if we can’t have a laugh I find it hard to be myself.


I honestly think I could fall in love with nearly any woman my age, but if I had to choose my perfect woman she’d be a curvy ginger girl with cute little freckles all over her body.

More important than looks is personality, though, I’d want someone I can be myself around. Someone who I can watch High School Musical 2 with semi-ironically and who isn’t opposed to going for a walk at 3am just to look over the quiet city. I’d like to make her crème brûlée and kiss whilst Billy Joel plays in the background. I’d like to clumsily serenade her with my saxophone.

Now I’m getting all sappy! I guess my type is someone who wants to be romanced by me, but I suppose that says more about my personality then hers. :blush:


I’ve only even been with my wife. She’s blonde with a fantastic body. So to be honest she’s my only type