What silly things have you done recently?

whoops just nearly forgot about the spag bol on the hob!

forgot to put the handbreak on the car on a slight hil ! oops... came out the house to find it parked down the road on someone elses drive!!

hid my butt plug some were clever when i heard mum coming up the stairs, it was such a clever place that i cant remember wher i put it and the cleaners coming tomorrow!

I went to work today and forgot I had left my car keys in the ignition the whole time. That could have gone horribly wrong especially as it was parked just off a main road!

Johnny Roach wrote:

I went to work today and forgot I had left my car keys in the ignition the whole time. That could have gone horribly wrong especially as it was parked just off a main road!

In the words of Del Boy: You plonker!

Actually no, that should be you LUCKY plonker!

innocent-on-the-outside wrote:

hid my butt plug some were clever when i heard mum coming up the stairs, it was such a clever place that i cant remember wher i put it and the cleaners coming tomorrow!

did you find your butt plug in time?

nope however she only hovers my room and i was careful to check it wasnt visable. no idea where i put it, probable fell down the side of my bed or something!

innocent-on-the-outside wrote:

probable fell down the side of my bed or something!

Are you sure you took it out?