What's your fantasy?

Ok so I decided to reclaim what was mine last night and tried my damned hardest to stay poker faced and be the bad ass dom he’s begged for and I’ve tried to be a few times but failed.

I thought that if this last weekend has been a fantasy tick list then let’s check his final box (he wanted a threesome - he got one, he wanted proper DOM - let’s show him!)
Well once again I think the line between fantasy and reality made him realize sometimes fantasies are best left as that!

I’ve got to say I went to town with an incredible outfit including his work tie around my neck, my hair totally gelled back into a ponytail and heavy makeup of a goth doll…

I then used restraints, hot wax, ice, paddles, clamps, whips, pin wheels, feathers, and toys that are incredibly taboo (you can guess). YOU NAME IT I HAD IT- including his leather belt which I decided to add in for effect.

He firstly started giggling which is when I’d usually collapse into giggles also but I just got mean instead and did my best to be just like the damned videos he keeps sending me.

I did the whole selfish bitch thing, I did the bossy bitch thing, I did the humiliating bitch thing (something around my lingerie lol) and I did every possible thing I’ve seen that he says he enjoys from dom style porn.

Turns out he didn’t like not having control one damned bit. Well it’s probably a good thing as whilst I can now role play as bossy bedroom bitch without breaking role Im glad to be off the hook as a dom now as he’s realized it’s just a fantasy. He said it was incredible to see me regain my power and be so forceful but it was actually terrifying also and not in a sexy way.

One thing is for SURE if he were to tell a friend what he’s done this last week they would call bullshit on him. He’s a very lucky man and if he thinks otherwise I’d like to see him try and find the opportunities and experiences he’s had this last week elsewhere …

Personally I’m starting to accept vanilla is possibly the best ice cream flavour anyhow because it always works in a cone with a flake, right?